Nature📷: The Woodpecker's Art (Original pictures)

in #nature7 years ago

The other day having a walk in the woods with my girls I saw something that made me remember an amazing post written by @justtryme90 about the woodpeckers.

El otro día dando un paseo por el bosque con mis hijas vi algo que me hizo recordar un gran post de @justtryme90 sobre el pájaro carpintero.

Here you have the pictures I took where you can see the holes made by those beautiful animals.

Aquí tenéis unas fotos que hice donde podéis ver los agujeros hecho por estos preciosos animales.

We didn't see them, but I downloaded an app to check the birds sounds and we could listen to them very clear

No pudimos verlo, pero me descargué una app para escuchar los sonidos de los pájaros y los pudimos escuchar claramente.

Pictures taken by @Wartrapa



Nice photos. It is always cool to find woodpeckers in the forest!

Where did you take the photos ? In Spain ?

Yes, Spanish Pyrenees, amazing place to walk around :)

nice shots and great composition:))

Thank you so much @kaiching77 :)

nice photography.... good shot

Me han encantado las fotos. Algo diferente a lo común.

Gracias @mendezand :)

My dream is to live in an area that has a lot of big forests like that I don't there is something magical about forests and the nature in and around it

If you have the chance to visit Spain don't hesitate to go to the Pyrenees :)Thanks for the comment @fluffysmurf

How I would love to travel the world Spain being one of the top destinations.

Your photos are gorgeous!)))

Amazing creatures! Wouldn't want them for pets, they'll kill my furniture :-)

hahahahah, sure they would :D

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