An Old Tree for TreeTuesday

in #nature6 years ago

As I was driving down a street on the way to the
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens I noticed this tree in a city park.



I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, but it is very intriguing and amazing.
It doesn't have any leaves right now.

Does that mean it's dead or is it about to leaf out this spring?



I'll try to check back on this tree in about 4-6 weeks to see if it leafed out!


The tree in the foreground of this photo is a live oak.
Happy Tree Tuesday!


February 27, 2018
All photos are originals taken on my Canon PowerShot SX720HS


That tree looks like it was struck by lightning? I've seen a similar effect before. It's probably still alive and will just re-root where it is.

Maybe so. It looks like the middle part of the tree is broken off!

Just like the Giving Tree. Imagine all the kids playing in the park. Forget the slides and swings. I want to climb on that freaky cool tree.

Haha, me too! I'm sure that's what the local kids like to do!

Wow! This is a very interesting tree! Maybe it was dead and comeback to life. Now I call that resilience! Excellent post dear!

I love when the trees get so old they grow earthward to maintain balance. I don't know if you remember the plantation they used in Interview with A Vampire. They have a wonderful grove of ancient oaks there:) Wonderful things happen when trees get old:)

No I'm not familiar with that interview. Yes, I love when trees have character like this!

Oh ... it's the title of a movie:)

Wow, it looks like it is so old it can't stand up anymore :)

I wonder if it did die?

Maybe, I'll let you know when I check back on the tree in about 6 weeks!

Stunning tree pictures, @violetmed, reminds me of a lyric by The Smiths:

"Amid concrete and clay, and general decay/ Nature must still find a way!"

By the way, curious to read your follow up to post on children's inattention and aggression epidemic. And, thought this new post on the Toxicity of Complaining might be of some interest to you:

Peace, Yahia

I haven't posted my follow up yet...I went back to posting flowers and trees because that is much more fun! I'll try to post the follow up soon!

Good for you... and us! 🤗

We need more Beauty in our lives to counterbalance the violence!

Peace, Yahia

awesome seems taken out of a fiction movie!

It seems that it is multiplied in several trees!
It is very beautiful rare!

Nice photos, you got upvoted and followed..

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