A Pipevine Swallowtail Emerges

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

A couple of days ago while volunteering in the butterfly house a grandmother, her 6 year old granddaughter and I had the privilege of watching a pipevine swallowtail butterfly emerge from it's chrysalis. The little girls asked me lots of questions and we all really enjoyed the experience!

I'm not an expert on taking videos while talking and trying to zoom in with my iPhone!
If I was a videographer, then you would have just one video spliced together!
I'm trying to upload all 3 videos to Dlive.
I'll add them to this post if I can figure out how to do it!
Believe it or not I have been using computers and technology my whole life!

This is one of the videos that I wanted to share

Here are a few photos taken after the butterfly emerged and continued to dry!




PipeV3 (2).jpg

Look how gorgeous these chrysalises are!
The one on the far right is the one that the butterfly just emerged from.
The middle one still has another future butterfly.


Have a Blessed Day!


August 2, 2018
All original photos and video taken on my IPhone 8 Plus


I saw the video and thought it was great, @violetmed. I recommend it to everyone. Those of you who pass through here first, pass through the previous publication later. It's really a wonder. It's like watching the birth of life: the celebration of nature. As I told you back there, I really congratulate you and thank you for sharing such valuable material.

@violetmed excellent capturing the photos that nice to see that transformation up close is fascinating, it is something inexplicably beautiful mind, thank you friend for these new photos, so we can learn from that wonderful world of more butterflies

First time video very successful. The girls sound very surprised by the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis. Way to go. Pretty photos as well. 🐓🐓

Thank you! Yes, we were all quite excited watching it emerge!

howdy there @violetmed! wow this was an education, never seen this happen before and had no idea it was so beautiful! great job!

Watched the awesome video. Photos with new wings backlit are great too! What a fun volunteer opportunity for you.

Wow. Amazing photography @violetmed. Especially since they were taken on your phone. 😊

Yes, it has a great camera!

Wonderful photographs! I love the colors in their wings! Great shots dear! :)

Thank you!

Very nice, what a fantastic event to see with your own eyes :)

“The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity.”
― George Carlin

Oh that is a beauty. I had a butterfly the other day that yours reminded me of, but not sure what kind it was.


It looks like one called a Red-spotted Purple or also called White Admiral. Looks like it was at the end of it's life with it's ragged wings! I've not seen one of these, but apparently the females lay their eggs in oaks. They can be in the North Texas area where I live also!

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