Can we protect our planet earth with little deeds?

in #nature3 months ago

Image by AndreasAux from Pixabay

Our mother earth itself is a vast universe, a planet filled with many biological and nonbiological components. Being one of the nine planets and yet the only one to support life with adequate oxygen, temperature, and other life necessary factors, isn’t it worthy of being protected?

Earth Song by Michael Jackson from YouTube

The earth is our only home. However, many activities like burning of fossil fuels, water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, deforestation and many other activity is ruining our earth. Oh poor mother earth.., how long would this continue...?

We aren’t some sort of superheroes, but I guess it’s time we saved our earth before we lose our home. So today, I just feel like highlighting several ways to keep our earth protected and suitable for us and for generations to come. believe information like this can help us a lot to contribute in our own various little ways to save our planet earth.

Let’s start with what we can do to save the earth:

The ozone layer: This is a thin protective layer of natural gas that covers the earth from the scorching heat of the sun. Every flying machine in the sky increases the destruction of our ozone layer. Chemical components like CFC ( chlorofluorocarbon) and halons is not ozone friendly and as such destroys our ozone.

✅To protect our dear ozone layer, we need to promote the use of ozone friendly substances like Montreal protocol, and awareness about the potential danger of a destroyed ozone layer.


Image by Siggy Nowak from Pixabay

(Image by dariolafelicia from Pixabay)

This encompasses all living organisms that live and thrive in their natural habitat, irrespective of the size or height of such organism.

Indiscriminate hunting and poaching, climate changes, pollution, invasive species, deforestation and other activities which leads to loss of habitat. All contributing to the destruction of wildlife.

✅ This can be stopped with regulated policies concerning forest exploitation, hunting and poaching, control of diseases outbreaks and control measures against invasive species which are not native of the wildlife habitat, ecosystem balance and policies against pollution can preserve our native wild species.

The Air

Image by catazul from Pixabay

The air we breathe most times is being contaminated by pesticides, insecticides, greenhouse gases and the likes which hinder proper respiration and breathing. If our free oxygen is being contaminated and we don’t live, we won’t live to protect our earth either.

✅ Let’s vouch for a clean oxygen not one filtered with NO or CO2. This we can do by reducing vehicle emissions, reduce waste, use indoor ventilation systems, conserve energy by using renewable energy not nonrenewable energy and become mindful of outdoor activities.

The Climate

Image by Anja from Pixabay

Our climate is one treasure we need to preserve before we either get burnt out or freeze. It’s been said that without greenhouse gases, the earth will be 30 degrees cooler than it is and therefore, making life impossible.

✅ We can preserve our climate by supporting green technologies and investments, engaging in sustainable transportation which uses fuel efficient vehicles and alternative transportation infrastructure. To further save our climate, policies regarding tree cutting and policies on climate action should be made at the same time vouching for clean energy in order to preserve our sustainability.

The Water

Image by rony michaud from Pixabay

Water, the source of all life is used every day by everyone and if we keep dumping refuse in clean waters, use it to cool thermal engines, become carefree about oil spillage or chemical spillage whether from industries or from fishermen while fishing then, we are doomed.

✅ As a habitat, the organisms inside should be protected and for our personal use, the proper water hygiene should be implemented, preventing industries from thermal pollution, regulating laws against dumping and proper inspection of pipelines and oil lines to prevent spillage.

The land

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Our land is one of our most priceless possessions, which could also be affected by oil spillage, underground and illicit mining, deforestation, wildfire and the likes. Our land environment needs to be protected by the prevention of fossil fuel burnings and promotion of recycling, afforestation and a regulated mining procedure as well as a well inspected pipe construction.

✅ The gist about saving our earth cannot be exhausted Yet, very important and we all have a role to play to see that comes true. As from today, I hope to see us all recycle our plastics, empty our bins, use renewable energies and many more hygiene and earth promoting activities so that you and I can make life worth living once more in our beautiful earth.

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