Think we are destroying nature? - You are probably incorrect.

in #nature8 years ago

Have you ever thought about the brilliance of nature?
I mean, really thought?

As humans, we often personify and attach to us components of our world both real and imagined that are inhuman. We do this to create a subject with which we can relate and in so doing, limit it to what we know and believe. We talk about our land, our world, our galaxy yet each existed in some form before us and will exist in some form after us. Our ownership is limited to human contracts only.

We think about the environment, animal extinction, war and radioactive contamination while simultaneously destroying forests, polluting oceans and slaughtering everything and each other globally in order to feed our desire for consumption. Consumption of goods and money, power and status. We put together marketing packages to drive sales and optimise production lines to reduce costs. We argue over trade agreements and parcels of land. We oppress some in order to feed the desires of others. We invest in the development of products that make our lives easier whilst largely ignoring the many problems that are facing humanity day to day.

And nature doesn’t mind.

Nature is, by nature, mindless. It is both empty and full. It achieves this without memory or anticipation and therefore without time. It acts in the moment, the continual moment, instantly, decisively without hesitation. It acts alongside changes, not in front or behind as Nature is, change itself. This is the ultimate ability to adapt, as adaptation is its entirety. There is no focus, no central point as reference as in its unlimitedness, it is always united. It is always whole. No division. The ultimate intelligence. The wisdom of not knowing, no habit, without preference.

Nature has no memory.

We think we are destroying the earth, yet in truth, we are slight variations made by Nature. We are byproducts of all the micro and macro events that led to us. It doesn’t matter how many planets come and go, how many civilisations, animals and plants are created and lost, how many suns die, Nature is. Ultimate resilience. It may take billions of years for life on earth to recover or it may be left a wasteland and, Nature doesn’t mind at all. As it is timeless. It isn’t waiting for things to happen, it is just acting purely, innocently with continual motion. The leader in impatience if it cared of such things. Yet, with no agenda, no tomorrow, it could be seen as ultimately patient by an observer who has a schedule and timeline in mind. Nature is always in the present, with complete attention on everything simultaneously. It is again, by nature, eternal.

Nature is the absolute ‘in the now’ player.

Our real problem is that nature IS always content. Always satisfied. Always in the flow and totally objective and non-judgmental. Nature isn’t going to help us. It will change continuously as it always does. If we as humans upset the balance of the environment provided to us which has allowed us to exist, that is our problem. Nature has no need for self-preservation as it lives outside the constraints of time in its eternal state. However, we do have survival needs. We as a population are fragile and limited in our existence as human and bound by our creation of time itself. We are held by our reference points of where we were and where we will go. Limited in our ability to travel and our mental capacity to understand all that is and realise that we are actually, nature itself. Not a part of it. It. Whatever ‘it’ is.

We need to pay full attention to our ability to adapt.

Because of the enormity of Nature, our limited understanding and our fear of potential irrelevancy, we spend our time developing mini worlds of control where concepts and inanimate objects take precedence. Traditions and habits are held dearly and the future is something to be achieved. Control is sought and reverence paid to those with power or influence over others. We judge each other constantly yet avoid change ourselves. We spend our time in entertaining activities whilst losing the time for human development and adaptation. We decide what is and what is not failure in this world thinking that we are qualified to do so.

We can’t fail at this game as we are a part of Nature, the whole, the entirety. Our actions influence and we get influenced as Nature continues on doing what it does. Changing. Our eventual fate as humanity may be inevitable as all things come and go, yet whilst we are in between, perhaps we should shift our focus from achieving meaningless goals of success driven by the ideals of current society. Perhaps we could be present, unite, grow and adapt together. Explore and influence our world as nature does: Undivided, whole.

Maybe we will also discover eternity.

[A Steemit original]



Should have been more clear :}}
The last to your insightful post...

I did figure as much.
Thanks for commenting and adding your support :)