We are ALWAYS in the Vortex!

in #nature6 years ago

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This is Boynton Canyon and it is one of our favorite places to hike here in Sedona.

If you live in a large city or even if it has been a while since you were out enjoying nature, I hope this beautiful view inspires you to get outside and put your feet on the earth to experience grounding!

Grounding is one of the fastest ways to clear your head, reduce stress, and just feel better as the earth’s energies literally recharge you!

Here in Sedona the earth’s energy is extremely high and there are many vortex points around the area. Here at Boynton Canyon there are two major vortexes, one is male the other female, they are approximately 50 yards apart. After hiking up to this area it is such a treat to sit between the two vortex points and meditate, if you are in tune with the energies you WILL feel the vibration!

Many people come to this spot to energetically charge their crystals and other spiritual items, but here’s an important tip, leave your cell phone in the car! The energy is so powerful here that most cell phone batteries go dead after about 30 minutes!
Mother Nature knows what’s best, and when we live in harmony with her Life is so easy.

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Thank you for taking the time to check out my post! If you enjoyed this ‘Enlightenment shot’ I invite you to follow me @robinlignt-cbd on this thought-provoking journey as I share the things that have led me to believe that Life is So Easy!


Beautiful! I am coming up there this weekend! I'm so excited to get some hiking in :)

Awesome! Good timing, it looks like the sun will be out and the rain will be gone! 😊💙 🌻

Hey Robin, thats what i call a perfspot! the US has so much to offer and the only place if been is NY city. i just put the Boynton Canyon on my list for Places2GO. I am agree, nature really brings happiness, joy and calm.

I'm so happy to hear that @ivansnz! Sedona will take your breath away! Coming from NY city prepare yourself for a culture shock! 🤭 I promise you will have an experience to remember! 😊 💙 🌻

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