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RE: Ants. Are. Amazing! - Part 1

in #nature7 years ago

"There are villages out there that fill entire ant-gloves with bullet ants, and one must put their hand inside for a few minutes, getting repeatedly stung as some kind of sick rite of passage"

This has actually been found to have massive immune boosting properties! Not that we had to quantify their sacred rites. But, none-the-less it has some practical purpose, outside of building ones endurance to pain! I feel many in the western would could greatly benefit from such an experience.


I massively disagree lol. I'd rather fall to the plague, i've seen the videos of their pain!

No, seriously, I think just the point of experiencing that part of humanity is something worthwhile if you have the gall to do it...

I... do not.

Haha. Thank you for your honesty!

Pain is temporary, improved immunes systems however, (are still temporary)... :)

Experience levels of pain unimaginable that release hormones and chemicals through your body that bring you to the brink of existential death. Well, that's a coming-to-age ceremony. Helps you realize what it is that is truly important to you. Not dissimilar to a near-death experience. Has the ability to radically transform one's perspective. :)

Cheers to that!

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