Take Your Shoes OFF!-- They'll Make You Sick

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

Do you spend much time with your shoes off, feet directly on the EARTH? On the grass, the soil, the dirt?

Or have you fallen under the spell of the media, that we need to wear shoes to protect us? Have you fallen for the story that shoes are for sanitary purposes, and that they help us walk or run better? I'm not so sure that's true...
My feet, enjoying the Earth

I came across a short film a few weeks ago called "Down to Earth" on the power of GROUNDING yourself by spending time without shoes, feeling Mother Earth on your bare feet. GROUNDING, here, is defined by putting your bare feet directly on the Earth. Feeling the connection to the Earth. Feeling the energy and the life force coming through her.

If you've learned anything about the Chakra System, you will know that our first chakra is the Root Chakra. Associated with the feelings of trust and security, the feelings of connection and groundedness. By strengthening your Root Chakra, you can feel more connected to the Earth, more stable, more secure, more confident, and more strong. It's like a tree, strengthening it's roots. It's ability to grow tall and strong and live long. A great way to get your root chakra aligned is by spending time directly in contact with Mother Earth, so this concept of GROUNDING, or EARTHING, is the perfect medicine.

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"It's the most common sense thing that we are organisms that live and grow and depend entirely on the Earth while we are alive, and yet we have completely isolated ourselves from it. We're so disconnected that it becomes this weird thing if we actually slip our shoes off." - Laura Koniver M.D.

It's estimated that 95% of people are walking insulated on this Earth. Completely disconnected from the land in which we come from and depend on.

Photo Credit

Mother Earth is FILLED with electrons. So by taking our shoes off, we can absorb these electrons, these nutrients, these anti-oxidants directly through our feet. Spending time in direct connection to the Earth is a great way to support the body, especially organ functions.

In fact, most inflammation related health disorders could be fixed, if people simply spent more time GROUNDING and connecting the the Earth.


Too many people today spend their life completely absorbed in boxes and screens. Living in box-like apartments, driving box-like cars, working in box-like cubicles, starting into box-like computers and phone screens. Where is our connection to nature? It's no wonder we are treating the Earth so badly!

So may this be a wake up call to give more love to the Earth. To give more gratitude. To appreciate more. And to love yourself more by allowing yourself quality time to spend connected to nature, shoes off, toes in the grass, dirt, or sand.

To see more about why EARTHING is so important, check out the short film "Down to Earth" posted below. I'd love to hear your thoughts or ideas on how we can help more people get back into connection with the Earth, and how we can start turning things around for our beautiful Mother, Pachamama.

Also shoutout to @trucklife-family and your post When destruction is seen as progress for inspiring me to write this one!

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🌈 Rachel



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#ecotrain #Motherearth #grounding #earthing #noshoes #life #wisdom #health #savetheearth


I was once a shoe addict back when I was disconnected from Nature and Myself, eating the Standard American Diet, not seeing the Sun very often.

Grounding to the Earth was the first, easiest, cheapest (free), and least time consuming step towards reconnecting with myself and taking control of my health and mind.

Still to this day, it is one of my favorite and most important daily practices alongside basics like Meditation and drinking pristine water.

"Jet Lag" is nothing but your body needing to reconnect with the Earth. Spend 15-20 minutes barefoot on the earth every time you travel and you will never experience it again.

Also, if you need shoes, there are many options now of grounded shoes that allow you to maintain your connection with the Earth and protect your feet (if you are in a situation where it is needed). When I wear shoes, I exclusively wear grounding-enabled shoes.

Thanks for talking about this extremely important topic @rainbowrachel !

When I moved to France, I was shoсked seeing people keeping their shoes on volunteerily, when they come home after a long working day (where they're forced to wear shoes)! I was like: do these people have a rest at all?! My husband, a frenchman, explained to me that there is no urgence to take your shoes off at home when the roads are as clean as here. "Haha" was my answer!

I loved the article and your happy bare feet, Rachel))))

I read somewhere that stones can keep you grounded, interestingly I have been intuitively attached to stones, I simply pick them up on the beach, draw on them, keep them at home and in the garden. If one has no opportunity to go outside, they could try holding a piece of earth in their hands or under their feet.

Stone's have tones a certain type of energetic frequency and are often used for healing, chakra cleansing and balancing natural energies. I too have been drawn to interesting and unusual stones over the last few years.

Somehow drawing on them is really pleasant!!!! More pleasant than on paper)

Absolutely @liverussian ! I am addicted to picking up stones and rocks too...I have an unhealthy collection of rocks I've picked up while out wandering the Earth. It's so healing and grounding to hold a piece of the Earth in our hands. Thank you for sharing. And that's such a beautiful stone you've posted there. Lovely!

Nice to meet you rachel! i totally agree.. and spend most of my time without shoes or socks.. i hate socks! <3

Hello @rainbowrachel, I totally agree with you, I spend most of time in my bare feet, earthing is such a powerful way to keep you healthy and connected. Thanks so much for the shout out, happy that my post was inspiring to you, that is what it is all about, great article xx

Ive always been a barefoot gal, even when i didnt know why. It just felt good to conmect to the Earth. I even garden in bare feet.. Jamie worries Ill have my toes off with a shovel bit it hasnt happened yet. A lovely post gorgeous!!!

I am totally tuned in to the whole holofractal vibe, but I have to admit that I'm afraid of stubbing my toe.

haha....the more time you spend with shoes off, the TOUGHER your feet will get!!!

Great post and such an important topic for staying grounded, self care and connecting with mother earth.

You are so spot on with this! Walking barefoot is something we so rarely do in this world anymore! I'm blessed to be a beach bum (and desert rat) so I walk barefoot often (though, not as much in the desert, cacti are no joke). When I do have to put shoes on, I opt for sandals or my goofy five finger shoes.

I was at the yoga studio the other day hanging with some of my favorite humans and the yogis were bustling about their work (in the retail store of the studio) without shoes. And it made me smile. There's still a movement of barefoot beauties out there... ;)

I smile when I see people in weird places without shoes too :) Feeling cold cement and tile floor on your feet is not the same as feeling the Earth, but at least it's more freeing!

I remember when those goofy five finger shoes came out and I was seeing people running in them all over. I didn't get it then...but now I totally do. It's a way to get minimal support and protection without the huge rubber sole that most sneakers have these days. :)

I usually leave my shoes on because I don't like to have cold feet.

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

That's so hippie/New Age :D But I 2nd that, you definitely should feel the earth below your feet from time to time :)

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