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RE: Macrophotography: mango seeds and what you can get out of them

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

Absolutely, just upvoted that comment and will send a few more upvotes your way to make sure you win ;) I was selected in the final too some time ago, it was the Tasty Tuesday and I was lucky enough to win that 30-day membership ;) Good luck Gillian and feel free to let me know anytime there is someting I can help with ;)


Thank you so much @phortun. I've had so much support with this it's been wonderful!

I did't ask at first but then I got such a positive response from people I got a bit braver. 😊

I'm on the way to Devon at the moment so can't check to see how I'm doing as I have limited time but it was looking good when I left home.

Have a fun evening and thanks again. 😍

Anytime Gillian, it was my pleasure to help out but I am afraid it was not enough :( I just checked and one of your competitors have more upvotes on her entry :( I am sorry.

Thanks @phortun. I really appreciated your support.

I'm feeling totally fed up about it, this morning, to the honest. I just got up and saw the numbers.

The winner is a member of one of the well known community groups here and apparently she asked them for 47 votes yesterday evening and got them, while I was in bed.

The week before it was won run by someone who was part of an international community group, so if you're not part of one of those communities that all vote for each other, then it seems you're out of luck.

I won't be entering anything like this again.

It seems pointless if someone can come in at the last minute and get votes from a group they already asked earlier in the week.

I am really disappointed because it's a really good prize and would have made a big difference to me.

But this place is always such a roller coaster ride with one thing and another. No doubt my disappointment will pass.

And, on the positive side, I was really humbled by the number of individuals who stepped up and supported me, not because I'm part of a group, but because I'm me. That's what I need to keep focusing on.

I totally understand your disappointment Gillian. When I was nominated a few months ago, just 6 votes was enough for me to win but these days, with all those discord groups and organized communities, it is much harder to win the final and even 50 or 60 upvotes dont have to be enough... But just like you said - there were many people (including me) who supported you out of true friendship and I think that counts too ;) Let me upvote your comment as that is the least I can do for you now. Have a nice weekend!

Aw. Thank you @phortun. That's so kind of you.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend too! 😍

Onwards and upwards. 😁

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