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RE: Reuse is a sustainable alternative that can solve problems - La reutilización es una alternativa sostenible que puede solucionar problemas
Wow! I didn't know the land you guys work on now is land that used to belong to your family in the past. So sad that it was harmed by mining, but so glad that you got it back eventually!
What great photos and story! I love that you are planting so many walnut trees in addition to all the other species. <3
Thank you very much for your motivation, it was thanks to your challenge that I took up this story again. This land is still from the mining company, but they only care about underground. Two years after this we bought our land, Buena Vista.;)
Oh, I see! Yeah, we have problems like that here, too - people buy land but they don't generally own the mineral rights to that land, so a company comes in and destroys it. It's awful. :(
In Colombia its even more exciting, nobody owns the mineral rights except t
for the government, so mostly you just have to hope they don't concede mineral rights anywhere near you and send a snaking tunnel your way.