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RE: A wolf (Canis lupus) had been confirmed to have entered Belgium for the first time in over 100 years!

in #nature7 years ago

Interesting.. Made me realize how little I actually know about wolves. I thought they pretty much only left their pack when dying.. Do female wolves also wander off alone occasionally?

By the way, talking of rewilding of Europe.. Have you checked out how Chernobyl turned out? There is actually a pretty impressive fauna there now. Lots of biodiversity. Of course you'll find an extra leg here and there (or perhaps a 3 headed wolf, lol), but overall the chaos appears to have synchronized itself into something that works. It's fascinating to see how nature will always have its way :-) Here is a good segment about this from Nat Geo:


I thought they pretty much only left their pack when dying.. Do female wolves also wander off alone occasionally?

Most wolves actually leave the pack at an early age. A wolf pack typically consists of a dominant, breeding pair and their offspring. At between 2 and 3 years old the offspring will leave to find a mate and start their own pack. However, there are many exceptions to this "rule", and young wolves can sometimes join other packs and stay with them, but this is more rare than fully parents+offspring packs.

Yeah, it's really cool how Chernobyl turned out! I guess this is what happens if we humans completely abandon an area for 30 years. At least it shows that animals will probably manage to keep living even if we humans end up causing our own extinction :)

Thanks for stopping by and commenting, @partywalrus!

Fascinating creatures for sure. Came across this video as well about how wolves moved the river in Yellow Stone National park, if you haven't seen it. Worth a watch :-)

It's really cool how the wolves in Yellowstone changed not only the river, but also the foliage there. It's a good textbook example of how species interact in many more ways than anyone really anticipates. Thanks for linking the video; it's much appreciated that you share your knowledge in the comment section here!

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