Exploring a Hidden Garden Near Los Angeles

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

A while back, a very close friend to the family was getting married and invited us to his outdoor wedding and reception.

I am ashamed to admit that I have no idea where this park is located, or what it is called because I was not paying attention due to being an absent minded passenger in the car. If you knew me in person, you'd know that I am very good at getting lost in my own thoughts!

Perhaps that is why Steem has been such a good thing for me. It forces me to get my thoughts together, at least somewhat! At any rate, we thought we'd have a look around after the ceremony and have a look at the plant life.


Wow! This place is pretty well taken care of. Just for a bit of perspective, the following photo was taken in the field where the wedding and reception were being held.


Of course this was a perfect large open area for the wedding party to do their thing.


We really had no idea that there was a garden at all. We just wandered over past a line of trees, and there it was. What a nice surprise! I have no idea who maintains it, but it is very nice. There was a lovely little brook flowing under a small bridge with some nicely landscaped stones and plants.


There were even some small fish in there that we didn't notice to start with. They seemed pretty happy there. Well, I don't know what a happy fish looks like, but I like to think they were happy.



I think that the duck approved. Clearly, he is quite pleased with his placement in the garden.


There's Amanda posing in front of a giant Agave plant. Tequila anyone? I really like it when people plant gardens that include plants that can actually natively grow in the area. Southern California is so dry, so cactuses and succulents do quite well here.


I am going to have to ask my friend, the groom, where this place is located. I think I'd like to go visit there again. There really wasn't anyone else around besides the wedding party, so I don't even know if it was a public park or not. It could have been someone's private property.


I don't know though. Wouldn't it be a shame if it were private? Why would anyone keep such a place to themselves.


You definitely have to watch yourself around here, though. I remember accidentally getting a nice gash in my leg from rubbing against this little beast. That wasn't very fun! Look but don't touch, of course.


There were so many blossoming flowers as well. I've never seen one like this before. Does anyone know what it's called?


Now there's one that you definitely don't want to run your leg across!

As I am writing this, I am reminded that it is so important for us to take the time out to spend some time in nature. If you think about it, we evolved as a species for millions of years living in the outdoors. It would stand to reason that there is a biological need to be connected with nature.


Even just looking at plants in photos, you can begin to to feel your muscles relaxing and mind calming. There is definitely something to that! This is more of a reminder for myself than anyone else. I spend way too much time locked up in the house in front of a computer.

It's time for me to get outside and smell the roses!


The place in first image looks amazing and appears to be a paradise.

Wow, who would have thunk, LA ?? lol Very beautiful @nuthman

This is a beautiful place! I would never guess it is in L.A. though :) So many amazing plants. The photo with the giant agave looks incredible. My first thought was that the woman was actually photoshopped in there :D

I agree! I look at the picture and it looks fake.. even though I took it.

I also love nature and would spend so much time out if if weren't for my disabilities. Sir @nuthman

Do you ever go out in a wheel chair at all? I hate to think that you have to stay inside all day. At least if you could get some sun on your face. A bit of vitamin D!

I don't get much sun but LED light from my room only which is almost not being turned off.
It really is discomforting to walk and sit around, I have not much choice but to stay in my room.

@nuthman the park is awesome and really taken of good care. Everywhere i see in the photos, there is green n green greass and trees. Hope u and Amanda have enjoyed the wedding so much. I really like the gif video of the bride and groom very much. It seems They are really happy! 😊 the mini fountain with red fishes are very calm and cool. You really did a good job there clicking them from a close range! The duck statue and the colourful flowers have added a crown to your post's beauty. I m adding this post in the c-squared curation sec, hope they will like it.

keep doing such nice posts mate!

Stay well and steem on!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, they are very happily married! A very nice couple. Thanks for the c-squared curation as well. It is all very much appreciated!

Thank u friend... U r really at photography and I admire your work.. There is a lot to learn from you.
I recently have ordered an entry level dslr from online via my pocket money.. And I am very exiyed about it.
I need some beginner tips and tutorials from you! We will talk on this when you come online. Ping me! 😋

Posted using Partiko Android

What a charming scenes, I agree with you @nuthman that we should go out sometimes to see the beauty of nature but now a days people are so much busy they even don't have time to observe beauty of nature.

Posted using Partiko Android

So true, my friend. I think that it is all a matter of time allocation. We have to make the time!

I am feeling peace after watching this beauty. thanks sir

I am glad! Thanks for looking.

After reading what you are writing, doesnt seem like you dream away a lot though:)
What were you thinking on the way then?:D

That is a good question. Maybe I was dreaming about watching where I was going?

Great photos, my friend and your amazing walk showed me many interesting and beautiful places in this garden! Thank you @nuthman

Great walk @nuthman and this hidden garden has many amazing places where you can enjoy nature and just have a good rest!

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