Picking & Cooking Mushrooms in Germany // Pilze suchen und zubereiten (EN // DE)

in #nature6 years ago

It is officially mushroom season in Germany now! This is why my girlfriend and me decided to give it a shot and drive to a local spot I know around Paderborn. It did not look too good at first and even the weather was shitty.

After looking deeper in the woods, we finally found some spots with a lot of the mushrooms we were looking for: Bay Boletus (I do not know if that is the correct word in English!)

We spent around three hours in the forest and found a decent amount of mushrooms.

We decided to cook these with garlic and bacon for some nice pasta!

Delicious and so far, five hours after dinner, we are still alive as well.

Pilze suchen und zubereiten in der Nähe von Paderborn

Nachdem es endlich Regen in Deutschland gab, sollten nun die Pilze im Wald sprießen. Deshalb sind meine Freundin und ich heute in der Nähe von Paderborn auf die Suche gegangen. Zunächst wurden wir nicht fündig und das Wetter war auch nicht unbedingt schön.

Etwas tiefer im Wald wurden wir dann doch fündig und konnten unseren Korb ordentlich mit Maronenröhrlingen füllen.

Nach einer dreistündigen Wanderung hatten wir genug gesammelt und uns taten auch langsam die Beine weh.

Wir entschieden uns aus den Pilzen mit Speck und Knoblauch eine Soße für Nudeln zu machen.

Sehr schmackhaft und auch fünf Stunden nach dem Abendessen sind wir noch am Leben.


Lecker, lecker. Zefix, jetz hab ich Hunger :-)

Ich habe noch was im Kühlschrank....

I love wild mushrooms and that's pretty much the main way I like to eat them! Where I live now, it is too dry for good mushrooming. I miss it.
Good article.

Thank you! Where are you living?

i'm in the Rocky Mountains, but on the dry side. There are some mushrooms, but not the types I am used to. I hope to catch next year's season and see if there's anything worth picking. I've found myself a regional book as well - but the ones I'm used to are a good 300 miles away closer to Yellowstone.

Time to learn about the ones in your region now! Maybe you can find a local guide?

I have a book now - but Wyoming is still a very big state. About 0.72 the size of Germany as it turns out! It's a long ways to the wetter areas from the middle of the state!
But I'll do my best to get back mushrooming next year.

Good luck! I am flying to Boston this week by the way haha

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