Know the causes and impacts of global warming.

in #nature7 years ago



Global warming is the increasing average temperature of the atmosphere, the earth, and the oceans. While climate change is a significant change in climate such as air temperature or rainfall over a period of 30 years or more. Climate change is a projection of the continuation of global warming. The causes of global warming are caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gas gases due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. The impact will be greatly felt by humans and the environment. Among the impacts are climate unstable, rising sea levels, ecological disturbance, infrastructure damage, and so on. Each of these impacts will still have other aftershocks in the fields of economy, ecology, health, social.



Pemanasan global atau global warming adalah meningkatnya suhu rata rata atmosfer, bumi, dan lautan. Sedangkan perubahan iklim adalah perubahan yang signifikan pada iklim seperti suhu udara atau curah hujan selama kurun waktu 30 tahun atau lebih. Perubahan iklim merupakan proyeksi kelanjutan dari global warming. Penyebab dari pemanasan global disebabkan oleh meningkatnya konsentrasi gas gas rumah kaca akibat kegiatan manusia seperti pembakaran bahan bakar fosil dan pengundulan hutan. Dampaknya akan sangat dirasakan oleh manusia dan lingkungan hidup. Diantaranya dampak-dampak tersebut adalah tidak stabilnya iklim, meningkatnya permukaan air laut, gangguan ekologis, rusaknya infrastruktur, dan lain-lain. Masing-masing dampak tersebut pun masih akan mendatangkan berbagai dampak susulan lainnya baik dalam bidang ekonomi, ekologi, kesehatan, hingga sosial dan politik.


There's no such thing as global warming. It's actually called increases in Co2 levels. We don't know if the planet will get warm or cold because of the dramatic increase in Co2 levels. A mini ice age is more likely. Remember humans are only one species from the earth, we don't control the earth. It would be pompous of mankind to think so. The earth tends to balance itself out look at the deep water horizon, the earth reacted and algae consumed most of the oil.

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