We Have The Most Kind (And Photogenic) Deer, They Don't Eat Our Vegetable Gardens! Just Walk Through Without Even Stepping On A Plant...

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

First off, this photo cracks me up so much, is she sticking her tongue out at me? What did I do to deserve that? Now you know how hilarious a deer looks when you take pictures of them eating apples.

I saw this deer in our yard eating fallen crab apples in October of 2015 and I've never been so delightfully surprised before, as I was when I went through these photos...


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We've lived on this piece of land since October of 2014. I've witnessed the deer on quite a few occasions, and the novelty never wears off. I remember going outside one morning, sitting on the back step with my coffee, and a large female walked right in front of me...so close I could have touched her if I chose to.

Folks around here don't seem to have the same affinity for deer as our family does, and I can't really blame them I guess. They have to put up 8 foot tall fencing around their gardens to keep the deer out. I have a neighbour that won't grow food because he doesn't want to lose it all to the deer. But if you've seen any of my former posts, you'll know that we have gardens all over this land with no fences, so what gives?

I used to think it was because of our proximity to the highway, or perhaps the noisy building across the street. Yet I have seen the deer in our backyard plenty of times, so maybe that's not why they don't eat our gardens.

And here is a crazy thing...just the other day I was puttering around in the front yard gardens, and I see deer prints everywhere! Only, they are going around each plant, and trust me, my plants are very close together...


The deer were clearly in our garden, and did they destroy it? No. Did they eat anything?

3 leaves off a scarlet runner bean plant, that's all!


Here are the deer prints, you can see clearly how they made effort to not squish any of the garden:







So, in conclusion, your guess is as good as mine why the deer don't eat our whole garden after 3 years. My husband @hendrix22 thinks it is because the deer is his Animal Spirit. I have a couple guesses too. Perhaps it is because we leave all the grasses and flowers all around our gardens, tonnes of grazing to be had on the other parts of our property, we don't have a clear cut, neat and tidy lawn, there's flora and fauna all over the place.

My next guess, and this one's a long shot, is that it's because I have no attachment to the gardens outside. I have always joked that anything I plant outside of the greenhouses is "fair game" for deer and slugs. The first year, I called it my deer and slug garden actually...anything I cannot bear to lose, I plant in our 2 greenhouses.

And my last guess, is that these beautiful animals "feel the love" that we have for them. I know, it sounds pretty hokey, however, we really do love them, it makes my year if I can catch a glimpse of a mother with her babies, which we've been lucky enough to see on more than one occasion.

Why do you think the deer don't eat our garden? I'd love to hear!


Happy trails, sending out tonnes of love & good vibes to you!



Must be good vibes! Haha.

The first short time we lived in town, the deer used the back yard as their personal nursery for the babies. Haha. I would often find my succulents nibbled on. No grown deer would eat that. Lmao.

Last year at the old place, I tried the "Irish Springs" soap "trick" and that worked until late in the year when other resources were low.

I don't have deer here at my property that I've ever seen. I like them too. I am all about live and let live. I would rather work around (build a tall fence) than do anything major about a nuisance. Unless they were going to cause harm to something of mine, like chicken or duck.

Ooh my goodness, are deer known to go after foul? That's something I did not know eeek! That's so special that you got to have a deer nursery in your yard...how precious!

OH JEESE. No. Haha. I was like "How did she come up with that?!" Oh, I see it now. Lol. - No, deer wont go after fowl. Haha. - I meant that in the grand scheme of wildlife. Haha Sorry I wasn't clear.

However, I have seen a video of a deer eat a small bird... That was traumatizing.

Oooh I gotchya! Wow, deer eats bird, yes, that would traumatize me, must have been one hungry deer! Fun fact, which you may know but I just found out, that skunks eat chickens!

I think that skunk would have to be pretty desperate to go after a chicken! They much prefer the dumped over trash. But, like all animals, they're opportunists. Thought at night, chickens definitely are not hard targets. Haha.

I am thankful that there are no skunks where I live out in the desert. They're in town, but not here. There's not as much trash out here! Ha.

About the deer eating the bird.
In the video, the bird was kind of flying around the deer's face - the bird was "protecting" a young chick, trying to deter the deer. In the end... I believe the deer ate it out of curiosity. Hahah

Oooh so sad, but something I'm sure my boys would love to watch on youtube LOL!! They're quite into that sort of thing, giant spiders eating birds, giant ants stinging humans....oh boys....

Hahah you're in for it!! <3 Heheheh. You'll learn so much tho!

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