(Belimbing Wuluh)
(Belimbing wuluh) is a complex nutritious plant for health in every part of the plant because other parts such as parts of leaves, stems, fruits, and flowers can be used as ingredients of medicine to cure some diseases.
Benefits (belimbing wuluh) is known for its sour taste but refreshing so much used as food such as rujak. (Belimbing wuluh) is not a young fruit starfruit but rather, belimbing wuluh including varieties of different types of star fruit. Therefore, starfruit is not as big as star fruit, the size is only about the adult's thumb. The sour taste is not the same as the fruit star fruit flavor.
Benefits (belimbing wuluh) is treating cough, diabetes, canker sores, acne, and fighting. Thank you
Wow great Pictures @khairul5577 .My upvote for you.greets from germany
Thank you friend