What bees can do in just 3 days!

in #nature7 years ago (edited)


We're new to bee keeping... we started back in December and we are thoroughly enjoying them. They're the most amazing little creatures.

So 3 days ago my son checked the hive, he took this photo below of a new frame that he had put into a new super he has recently added. The super is where the honey is stored (no babies here). There was just 2 little areas where they had just started to build the new comb.


Today, just 3 days later and this is the same frame!! All this work has occurred in just 3 days!! I'm amazed! They've almost built out the whole frame and they've also started storing honey in it (see the last photo - honey can be seen in the bottom left hand side).



We've not extracted any honey yet but at this rate it's not going to take long. We can't wait!!


How cool is that! Making your own honey with the help of these hardworking bees. Can't wait to see the progress of this. By the way, feel free to use #photocircle on your future posts and we will try to support to oir very best. Thanks @jayclar30 :-)

It is very cool!!! :D We can't wait to do our first extraction. We could very easily do a frame now which would provide a couple of kilos but we've just entered Autumn here in Australia and we don't want to rob the bees of honey just yet as they may need it to get through the winter. We'll just have to see how they go until it starts getting cold. : )

Thanks again... I'll be sure to share our progress and yes I'll be happy to use your tag! Thanks for the offer!

Yes, please keep me posted about it.

So it seems, that you can't harvest the honey all year round. That makes sense, since the nectar / honey has to be their food during winter? I hope I got it right, let me know if otherwise :-)

Do you know that honey from Australia is quite expensive here in Singapore? Apparently your product has a good credibility in this country :-)

I shall! :)
Yes, they're less active in the cooler months and there's not a real lot flowering, so yes we need to make sure they have enough food supply to get them through the winter. We can also feed them a sugar syrup if needed to help them through.

Wow really! Yet the rubbish they dish up to us here in our supermarkets is always over processed taking away a lot of it's goodness and healing properties... and a lot is imported from china. It's not comparable. The consistency is rubbish and it doesn't taste all that great either. Is it raw honey or is it processed you get from us over there? How much would you pay for say 500g?

Few of my friends have it as a replacement to sugar, they said it's healthier. For the price, I'll check the groceries for that. Definitely the one from China is much cheaper, but I'm not really sure about the quality.

I can't even tell how to differentiate an authentic honey and an industrialize honey. Unless it came from your bee hive :-)

Yes we're the same, we only use honey, we said goodbuy to sugar about 6 years ago! It is much better for you but go get the benefits you really need raw honey.

Raw honey is straight from the hive. We filter the honey through a sieve and what is remaining is just pure raw honey. It's sieved just to remove any unwanted wax.

Some people chose to filter the honey, I really don't know why as it ruins it's texture. It becomes really watery. Raw honey is still runny but it has more volume as filtered honey can really vary in consistency of it's texture, we saw one so bad once we struggled to keep in on the knife to get it to the bread.

But then the commercial honey filter the honey butt then also heat treat it for bacterial purposes, which is crazy! Firstly because honey is antibacterial, it's great to use for healing for it's antibacterial properties. If you go and heat treat that, it then kills it, there is no longer any real benefit of using the honey other than for it's a natural sugary taste.

I'm not sure about over there, but you can usually find raw honey sold in health food stores. If you check it out, let me know... I'd be interested to know what you have!

Bee's world is very very interesting and so fun!

They are very interesting creatures... truly amazing! In saying that though... I still need to hand pollinate our pumpkin vines... they don't seem to touch them! Their flight path goes right over them and they don't seem to detour to do it for me, lol. They're clearly working hard though, so I'm very appreciative!

Well, a little help wouldn't hurt them , I'm sure they'd appreciate it a lot 😁🐝

That's what I think! : )

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