The Two Largest Trees In The World

in #nature5 years ago

No, they're not in Texas, surprisingly. lol.

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

I think I was at the Sequoia National Forest in California when I was a little kid but I was too little to remember much but my, would I love to go there now! I can only imagine being in the presence of these magnificent trees.

The largest one, and the largest in the world, is named General Sherman and stands 274.9 feet (83.8 meters) tall but is a youngster at just 2,000 years old. Lol.

Many of the Redwoods are over 3,200 years old. I'm sure that means General Sherman still growing though!

General Sherman:


This group of visitors gives you and idea of the size of General Sherman's size:


And check this out: a branch broke off in a storm in 2006 and crushed a section of fence and created a big hole in the walkway. The branch is as big as a whole tree!


The General contains 52,500 cubic feet (1,487 cubic meters) in volume. It has giant branches too but they don't take the branch sizes into consideration when measuring volume, just the trunk.

The 2nd largest tree on earth is in the same park and is named The President and stands at 247 feet (75 m) and measures 27 ft (8.2 m) in diameter at the base. They estimate it to be 3,200 years old!

Here's a good size gauger:


Look at this climbing team hanging from the branches!


And look at how tiny they look in this great photo:


Those three climbers are hard to spot in this one, can you find them? It makes one realize what specks we are on this earth compared to much of nature.

I bet you can just feel the energy of those magnificent trees when you're in that forest.


Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!





Howdy Jonboy! Great blog!

I was fortunate to see the Redwoods once while living on the west coast. I made a video of my trip. I couldn't believe how big they were! Here it is I thought the Doug Fir trees were big until I got the Redwood Forest. I remember having to turn on the headlights because the trees were so tall they blocked out the sun making it dark.

haha! Howdy sir rainbow man! That is funny, I never thought of that..making it dark in the daytime! wow, that had to be an experience. It has to be one of the few great things about the West Coast!

I also drove down the Pacific coast highway out of WA state. I have some photos somewhere. I took one with the tanker truck I was driving, and the tree trunks were bigger than the tanker. I took some river stones the size of a basketball. They are mixed in with the PA farm field stones around our pond.

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Oh very interesting sir krazzytrukker! Thanks for the photo of your beautiful pond too.

Wow. Those are huge trees. They must be a million years old.

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Howdy sir michaeljn! Aren't they astounding? I'm blown away, yes they are thousands of years old. I hope pollution doesn't harm them. Thanks so much for commenting!

That is so cool to know what a awesome world of nature we live in to have these giants around :)

Yes sir hangin and it's finally something that Thailand doesn't have right? lol.

Nope your right but we do have the biggest Banyna tree :)


wow that's amazing! Is that for real? It looks like a movie set construction.

It's real sir janton we have these Banyna tree houses on some of the islands around Thailand they are amazing :)

But those are for sell are they? they are just on people's property right?

No they are on resorts you can rent them out by the beach how awesome is that watching a sunset or sunrise from a Banyna Tree House :)

Oh how interesting! Well you have to rent one and do a post about it sir hangin!

I've been to see the sequoias. It was lovely. Yesterday I was in a local state park and stumbled along "Old Methulsalah", which is a five hundred year old cypress. Impressive, but certainly not on the same scale.

Howdy ginnyannette! I've heard that the cypress trees were sometimes big and ancient as well. 500 years ago Florida was a very different animal!

It certainly was. Hard to imagine unless you are standing in the middle of a swamp.

Very true but it's all for the better right? Especially the Northerners? lol.

Wow, no words! It looks soo impressive! It worth to travel the world just to see it!
You are the lucky one!

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Howdy zirochka! I'm sure you have some big trees over there too but I don't think anyone has trees THIS big. I hope things are going well with you, I'm heading over to your blog soon!

Hello today, Janyon! You seems to know me good )) Of course, we have the biggest oak in Ukraine and we have been there. But it is far not AS BIG! That's i credible, indeed!

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It's just too bad these aren't in Texas, they would match the ego of most Texans!

Those trees are amazing, hope to see them some day. Sometimes I feel like I am just a speck on earth but then I remember I am truly gargantuan when compared to a bacteria or atom. The way I see it we are positioned about smack-dab in the middle of it all.

haha! Howdy sir hhayweaver! I haven't seen you for awhile but that's probably my fault if you've been posting. Yes, that's a healthy way to look at it, keeps us from feeling too insignificant!

I would also bet that they have a great amount of animal life living on their canopy.

Howdy today sir deepwaters! That is so true...with so much space and cover up there they could be host to so many types of birds and animals! Great point.

Wow Lord Fluffton has really stepped up to the plate here! I knew you could do it lol!

I've been to the Grand Sequoia NP back in 2015 and those trees are MASSIVE! You do have to crane your neck just to be able to see half way up the tree! I think I saw both of these trees but will have to consult the travel journals as a lot has happened since then!

Keep the fluff coming! Rep 68 too! Lord Fluffton and Faketon in one post lol!

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Thank you thank you thank you sir nickyhavey! I've been trying for so long to do a fluff post! This is definitely strange that no one got shot or killed in any way! lol.

You nailed it Lord Janton! Keep them coming!

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oh no sir nickyhavey, I have to get back to my niche. Many of my readers are asking what my next story is going to be. lol. sorry.

Well, tag me in your next fluff post then lol. Or I can just see what your next story is and see if I can understand it

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lol..Well I wouldn't hold my breath on the understanding thing. lol.

Haha me neither if it's written in redneck lol

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I saw the sequoias when I was a kid and sadly can't really remember them. I do have a few pictures from the family trip that proves I was there though!! haha

Howdy sir simms50! I think it would be a wonderful trip to take, especially in the fall or winter, at least for me. There's just nothing like that forest in the whole world.

I remember visiting there and seeing those huge Trees really make us feel small standing under them

You've been everywhere JJ! lol.

LOL No I had plans of so many other places to visit before my flying days came to an end, and I have only been to less than a third of the countries in the world :)

oh is that all? flew your own plane or flew commercial?

LOL, Mostly commercial but some aircraft also chartered by our organization in Missions, I have been to a little over 60 Countries I have colleagues who have been to more ;)

That's totally amazing to me. I feel embarrassed to say that I've been to none. lol.

Nothing embarrassing about that, because first off you have been to one :) unless your living in another planter that does not have countries LOL and I have friends and family, who have never left, the state or region they live in :)

Well that's true. Hey, you have family who have never come to visit you in the U.S.?

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