Remembering the sun...

in #nature6 years ago


Well no, that's a misleading title actually. It's quite sunny today. It's just that it's extremely cold and, in case you haven't guessed, I don't like the cold. Not one bit. I don't like winter, I don't like snow. In fact, I become very grumpy during the winter months, mainly because I am not on a sunny beach - good reason, no?
And seeing that some other lucky Steemians are having fun at the beach ( @galenkp, when you're done soaking in all that bloody sun, maybe read this ), I figured I'd do my own sunny post.
I am not going to go out and actually take photos of the sun because, you know, it's cold and my hands would freeze on the phone and all that, but I will put up some older photos from back when it was still decently warm in Bucharest and you could go out with a light jacket. Maybe not even that if you were lucky...
Now, despite what you may think, I am not that picky. I just don't want to look and feel like a snowman when I go outside. What's so wrong about that? I can be perfectly happy in autumn, as you can see in the pictures - many of them were taken in October and some in November, when the weather was still decent.


It's not so much to ask, is it? I just want decent weather, nice warm sun, that sort of thing. Alas, the gods have seen fit to curse me (and much of the rest of Europe) with shit cold weather, which is not in the least bit appreciated. Seriously, I don't know who's in charge of weather, but they are doing a lousy job.


See? I like the sun. I can be fun in the sun. And the warmth. Again, it's sunny out but cold, so no fun. So, anyone wanna trade places with me?
Spend the winter in Romania while I lounge on a beach somewhere in your stead? We have cool history and shit...nice wine sometimes?



Thanks for reading,



Come visit sunny Tel Aviv. Weather is lovely 22C & sunny. Water still warm enough to swim but beaches are fairly empty because Israelis think it’s freezing when it’s below 25C!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Is everyone having a nicer weather than me? :))) Haha I might, it sounds lovely!

We had 60 degrees (F) yesterday and expecting 24 degrees tonight. It's a roller-coaster!

But I'm with you. If I could pack up my job and take it with me I'd move to the Mediterranean.

Why don't you? :) Leave your job and just go :D

Well you should join the people that went straight to Thailand after SF3, what you were thinking when you choose Romania that suddenly the summer will be there when you arrive?? :)) Is never late to go to SE Asia ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha no :))) I did not expect that to happen, but still...a warmer weather would be nice, surely :D
Thailand sure sounds sweet, though so far away and a bit dangerous :D I don't know, will find my way out there some day...after SF everything seems to be just a waiting room for the next trip :)

I am flying on Thursday to Bacau to see my mom, so I am sure that I will have my chance to play frozen :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh man, I have no idea what the weather is like over there (in London, I mean), but you better pack warm clothes ;)
I spent half the day wandering around the city and came back half frozen myself:)))

You know what the answer to your problem is right? You have to move to Australia! We don't tend to get the cold winters you do in Europe, certainly no extreme cold and our summer lasts for a lot longer than winter. Sure, we have problems like most places but if you're looking for warm...Well, you need to come here.

I don't like the cold. Not one bit. I don't like winter, I don't like snow. In fact, I become very grumpy during the winter months

Funny...I get grumpy when it's extremely hot here. Thursday is going to be 39 degrees here (as we were just messaging about) and I'm likely to get somewhat grumpy. :)

You know, I just might :))) Australia is beginning to sound better and better.

So you mean you're not grumpy all the time? :O

Haha, you're cheeky...No, I'm not grumpy all the time.

Right, there was that one time. :)))

Ok, maybe more than one...

Let's call it more than one and less than a million.

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