Cycling the world on a Steem-budget day 113: Seduction of nature.

in #nature7 years ago


When true beauty strikes and all you can do is starring, wondering why mother nature decided to be such an artist, why are we so closely bound to her beauty?


Why is it she seduces us with such appealing scenery no matter where we go in the world? Always convincing us to climb the next hill to see what she's gonna show us next?


Is it because she wants us to love her? What is the reason for our mind and body gets pulled towards the beauty of nature?


maybe it's a way to protect herself? Why would one destroy something this beautiful? We never would, would we?


Maybe by attaching us to the Nature, we realize that it's not only the nature we destroy but our self in the process.


But then again, no matter what we do to the earth and the nature, it will be fine... Maybe it needs a few thousand years to recover, but Eventually it will. As soon as it gets rid of the true root to the problem, it will bounce back again like always. So maybe, just maybe she's not trying protect herself - but her children for not destroying ourself.


all pictures captured by my Oneplus Android phone.


Wow incredible photos I was actually doubting whether you really took them!

Don't you doubt my friend:)

I was going to ask if you took those pictures.. they seemed too good to be true! Then I saw your comment down the bottom.. wow! Those are some really amazing photos! Ever thought about photography? Haha.

Besides the photos though, great read and very inspiring, thanks for sharing :)

Haha oh thank you a lot! Maybe u should look into some real photography some day:)! Really appreciate the kind words!

Cant believe i never saw your blog before, very inspiring! upvoted, will keep an eye out for your next post.
Very brave an so happy so made it Greece already, hope you can make it to China!
i travelled for four years and really miss it, but the way you travel is next level! all the best.Keep them comming

Thanks lot man! There's many ways of travel and everything has something to offer! Are you blogging about your travels? Would love to read :)

about my travels, travel tips, Amsterdam, and things travel realated.
Work on a Cruise Ship, and in Australia on a dolhphin Resort, and in Canada to watch Basketball.
Good luck biking

Wow, I just had to click on this post when I saw that photo and was not disappointed! Your work is amazing! You truly have talent. I wish I could take some photos like that. It's so beautiful! Especially with an Android phone. Well done!😌

Woah thanks a lot! I try my best and I appreciate your kind words! Hope to see you around!

Nature makes you fall in love all over again . There's always this positive vibe you receive from it

Completely agree my friend!

Really fantastic landscapes. Awesome photography

Thank you very much! :=

Great photos! 😊
This post made me remember this comics I saw a while ago 😁

You can right click on it to open in different tab to read ;)

Oh my! Hahaha spot on!

great post^^, followed u and upvoted some of your posts can u do that to for me pls :)

Beautiful shots mate. The one plus definitely allows you to capture the full beauty of these landscapes.

Haha it's a great phone indeed! When there's no room for a real camera this does the job!

Beautiful nature!

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