Ozark Critters - Three-Toed Box Turtle

in #nature7 years ago

Terrapene carolina triunguis - Female

The three-toed box turtle is the most common turtle in Ozark forests. The easiest way to identify the sex of these turtles is females have yellow-brown eyes and males have orange eyes. They can live 50 to 80 years!


Three-toed box turtles come out of their winter hibernation around April. In late April to July or later, they spend their time courting and mating. Clutches are laid from May to July and are usually from 3 to 8 eggs. The eggs take 3 months to hatch. Each female lays 1 to 2 clutches each summer.

Making some late baby turtles

The young mostly survive on earthworms and insects. Adults are mostly vegetarian, eating different plants, mushrooms and berries. A favorite of turtles around my homestead is strawberries!

Many, many box turtles die each year while crossing roads in search of food and mates. Please be careful, especially on dirt roads through forests. It is recommended in our area that if you see a turtle crossing a road and it is safe to pull over, move the turtle out of the road in the direction it was originally headed.

Many turtles simply do not make it through their hibernation period when their burrows are not adequate.

Box turtles are very interesting to watch, but please leave them be. They do not make good pets, as many die of dehydration and starvation at the hands of unwitting humans.

Thanks for checking out this post. I hope you learned something about the three-toed box turtle!

Stay tuned!


Cute article! You found a friend! I always feel badly when they are squished in the road. ;/ This was a big fellow.
May the future blessings flow,

Thanks, Melissa. When I see them hit in the road I always think it had to have been done on purpose. It's not like they dart out in front our cars!

sometimes it is clumsy drivers trying to miss them...It has not happened with a turtle on my part but it has happened with a squirrel once...i took him to the vet..gave them a laugh I am sure! LOL

Did the squirrel make it? I'm sure they didn't think it was too silly, since they were getting paid no matter what animal it was.

Actually they volunteered to put him to sleep free of charge!

Well that was kind of them!

The ornate box turtle supposedly lives in Wisconsin, but I have never seen one. They are listed as endangered. Even if they love strawberries, you are lucky to have these guys!

I was pretty happy to find not one, but two! It's almost too bad they were trying to make a new clutch, in the three months it takes for them to hatch winter will be here.

Too bad....sounds like cold weather is a big threat. Don't you wonder how they meet up? It's not like there is a turtle under every tree!

I do wonder how they find each other! I'm going to have to find out now!

I have seen those in our area as well. Very pretty turtles. Too bad they are endangered!

Oh man, I wish I lived in an area with turtles roaming around. They were / are one of my favorite animals ever!

A man can dream...

~ Kevin

Well, if I find another you can live your turtle dreams vicariously through me. Haha!

I didn't know that you could determine their gender by their eye color. Neat! I guess the one I found out on Addie's land a couple weeks ago was male. You are just a fountain of information! :)

Thanks, Mel! I didn't know either until I did a little research for this post.

Nice post, I love turtles! Did these two come out of the wilderness to snack on your strawberries? If it was me, I'd let them eat to their hearts' content, and then I'd probably plant some more just for them, hehehe!

My strawberries have stopped producing for the year and they're in raised beds so I doubt they could reach them anyway. I should plant some just for the turtles! I think I will do that next year!

Move the turtle out of the road she says..... BUT WHAT IF IT BITES ME!!! I usually find a stick and help it along as best i can without poking it's fleshy parts! How neat you found them!

A box turtle isn't going to bite you. A snapping turtle...that's different. I don't try to move those! Haha!

I don't know, that mouth looks big enough to bite!! lol it's so cool you found a male and female!

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