A Growing Gift from @papa-pepper

in #nature7 years ago

Last summer, shortly after Steemit went live, @papa-pepper offered to send seeds to anyone who wanted some. I thought I would give it a try and sent him my address. About a week later, I got a small package in the mail. Inside were a few ghost pepper and this little pack of seeds.


All winter long, I've been eyeing that package waiting until it got warm enough to plant them. Well, last week I decided it was time, so I made a couple little green houses to germinate the seeds. This was a procedure recommended by @papa-pepper in one of his earlier posts.

I got a couple plastic bags and put a wet paper towel in each. Then I placed three Kiwano seeds in one bag and three noodle beans in the other and set them aside on my desk.


When I got to work today after the long weekend, I noticed a speck of green inside one of the bags. I peeked inside the bag and was surprised to see that the Kiwano seeds had germinated already.



Since I already had a pot with soil ready, I went ahead and planted the sprouts by placing the paper towel in the dirt and gently covering the towel and roots with loose soil. A light watering and they are ready to go.


Hopefully, they will continue to grow and in a few weeks I can transplant them into my yard. With a little luck, I should be enjoying fresh, free Kiwano later this summer thanks to a generous fellow Steemian.


Good luck with your plants ! A seed says more than a thousand words !

Very cool. Thanks for the update.

Thank you for the seeds and all the other great things you do to make Steemit a community.

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