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RE: Hiking the Cliffs - Rancho Palos Verdes, California

in #nature5 years ago

i'm loving these hikes dude. Looks like perfect weather for them. Like i have said in the past i really miss hiking, it is one of the few things i miss about living in a more temperate climate. Can't really do anything outdoors here other than swim (or just accept the fact that you are going to get really really sweaty)


Thanks, bud. Yeah, I'm about to go down there again in about an hour. There are some epic steep bits that give you an awesome leg workout over there. I've lost a ton of fat doing it! Unfortunately there have been forest fires out here and I'm having some serious dry eyes and allergies at the moment. I hope it all clears up soon.

It sounds like where you live is a little bit like the jungle I lived in down in south Mexico (Puerto Angel, Oaxaca). You really couldn't do much before you were sweating buckets. I do remember this guy down there who was supposedly over 100 years old who used to walk around with his shirt off mowing fields down with a machete. He was a beast! Never broke a sweat either.

He was a Mixteca man from what I remember. I've never seen someone who looked more like one of those old Mexican artworks depicting ancient warriors.

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