Amazing nature #1 - Learn with me some surprising things about flamingos 💗! Part 1/2

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit family!

Today I bring you publication related to my profile name of this prestigious community, it is a very nice bird called Flamingo that is present in much of the world. Come with me to get to know this Bird that inspired me to wear Flamingirl.


Flamingos are some of the most beautiful and peculiar exotic birds that we will find in different parts of the globe. They are found in the sea, swamps, mountains, lakes, lagoons in any place where you can have food and water you can find a flamingo, there is a species that lives in the Andes and another in Africa which shows that they can adapt easily to any climate condition.


At some point there was a debate whether to consider the Flamencos family of Storks, geese or ducks, after intense debates have finally been classified as Flamingos. Their characteristic pink or bright red colour is due to their diet, food and water. They eat small insects, crustaceans and algae that seem to have the food sources they need.

Social Flamingos

One of the things that has impacted me about flamingos is their ability to live in colonies, most birds are commonly solitary or live in pairs, there are few species of birds that live in colonies, and that is that flamingos are unique, coming to live in colonies of 50 to 20.The largest colony recorded by scientists is in East Africa where the amazing sum of 1,000,000 flamingos live, as you have read, they are very social and have a large number of group activities, the science has determined that they cannot live alone. They are found on all continents except Oceania.




Kingdom: animalia

Edge: chordata

Class: Birds

Order: poenicopteriformes

Family: poenicopteridae

Genre: poenicoterus

Some flamingos can measure 80cm to 1.40cm in height have very elongated legs and neck and their beak is specially designed to plow the mud or mud in search of algae or mollusks, has a natural grid a unique system that allows you to separate the food from the mud or other elements. There are at least 6 species of flamingos.

The color of their plumage varies according to the environment in which they develop, for example, the flamenco of Chile, the flamenco of the Andes and the flamenco of James live in America, the pink flamenco and small flamenco live in Africa, Asia and Europe, while the red flamenco can be found in America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Each of these species has a different feather colour.


Its mating season is between the months of November and February, this after the courtship of the male that lasts 1 full month, females usually detect the type of color and conditions of the male specimen, quickly discarding males that are sick or do not have the proper color depending on their species.


The female lays 1 to 2 eggs and hatches them for 30 - 32 days of incubation where the participation of both male and female are crucial, both participate in this act.
Flamingos do not usually have natural enemies as they live in desert areas, however, the interaction of man occupying more and more spaces, has become a threat, as they are hunted for their plumage to sell on the black market.


Long life

Flamingos can have a healthy life and can live for about 30 years, in captivity there have been recorded cases of flamingos that have lasted alive up to 50 years. A fairly good figure for these birds. But the longest-lived of them is from a known zoo case in Australia that has a specimen that is 75 years old.


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The color of the body is mainly due to the carotene. A healthy and well fed Flamingo is more vibrantly colored. And thus making a more desirable mate


This is yours? ❤️❤️

Nope. She s from my previous Airbnb stay in Colorado HERE

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at least 6 species of flamingos? :O
thanks for the info. :D greetings!

Beautiful and fascinating birds ❤️

Thank you so much my dear Sally ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have a wonderful day!
I hope to see you soon!
Let me know in the Meeting Telegram chat =)

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