-_The King Of The Nocturnal Raptors_-_El Rey De Las Rapaces Nocturnas_-

in #nature7 years ago

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   We are talking, of course, about the real owl.

   A nocturnal raptor protected and almost extinct by the hand of man, due to a mixture of fear, superstition and ignorance.

   It is attributed to this bird the only case of having killed an adult man, by tearing the jugular with its powerful claws; The owl defended its nest and the man believing it inoffensive did not heed the warnings of the owl.

   Estamos hablando, naturalmente, del búho real. 
   Una rapaz nocturna protegida y ya casi extinta por la mano del hombre, debido a una mezcla de miedo, superstición e ignorancia.
   Se le atribuye a dicha ave el único caso de haber matado a un hombre adulto, por desgarro de la yugular con sus potentes garras; el búho defendía su nido y el hombre creyéndola inofensiva no atendió a las advertencias del búho.

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   The plumage of owls is not the same as that of other birds; Their feathers are much softer and fluffier, which reduces the turbulence of the air between them, greatly reducing the sound of their fluttering.

   In this way, practically none of their prey is able to hear the owl approach until it is already over them.

   Among their prey are insects, fish, mice, rabbits, snakes, small foxes, birds and other bird raptors and, lately and due to constant deforestation and urbanization, they are being watched hunting domestic cats.

   El plumaje de los búhos no es igual al del resto de aves; sus plumas son mucho más suaves y esponjosas, lo que reduce la turbulencia del aire entre ellas, reduciendo considerablemente el sonido de su aleteo.
   De esta manera, prácticamente ninguna de sus presas es capaz de oír que se acerca el búho hasta que ya lo tiene encima.
   Entre sus presas se encuentran insectos, peces, ratones, conejos, serpientes, zorros pequeños, aves y otras aves rapaces y, últimamente y debido a la constante deforestación y urbanización, se les está observando cazar gatos domésticos.

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   Their camouflage is quite good and is associated with one of its peculiarities: they are extremely defensive with their nests.

   In this regard, owls have been filmed that, having hunted a prey in a valley in the middle of the morning, remain motionless on the ground with the dead prey until nightfall, in order not to reveal to possible predators or usurpers of nests, the position of their nest and their chicks.

   In the same way, it is known that in times of reproduction they rarely build nests, but occupy old nests on stumps of trees, or that usurp other nests by killing their original owners and their offspring.

   Su camuflaje es bastante bueno y está asociado con una de sus peculiaridades: son extremadamente defensivos con sus nidos.
   A este respecto, se han filmado a búhos que, habiendo cazado una presa en un valle a media mañana, se quedan inmóviles en el suelo con la presa muerta hasta que anochece, para no revelar a posibles depredadores o usurpadores de nidos, la posición del suyo y de sus crías.
   Del mismo modo, se sabe que en época de reproducción rara vez construyen nidos, sino que ocupan antiguos nidos en tocones de árboles, o que usurpan otros nidos matando a sus originales dueños y a sus crías.

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   It is known that females can put between 1 and 14 eggs but usually do not lay more than 4 eggs.

   Incubation, which is the task of the female, can last between 4 and 5 weeks.

   In extreme environments it has been observed that, in order to ensure the survival of at least one of her chicks, the female kills the weakest to feed the brother.

   Se sabe que las hembras pueden llegar a poner entre 1 y 14 huevos pero, por lo general, no ponen más de 4 huevos.
   La incubación, que es tarea de la hembra, puede durar entre 4 y 5 semanas.
   En ambientes extremos se ha observado que, para asegurar la supervivencia de al menos uno de sus polluelos, la hembra mata al más débil para dárselo de comer a su hermano.

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Some other interesting facts about owls:

  • The sound emitted by these birds is called ululate.
  • They usually have only one partner in their life.
  • A dead prey is dropped at the feet of a female as part of an impromptu nuptials ceremony.
  • They can rotate 270° their head in the longitudinal axis, to both sides.
  • They do not have ocular mobility.
  • The weight of their large eyes is equal to 1/3 of the total weight of his head.
  • They have one of the best night sights but even they can not see clearly in full closed night.
  • Their vision is better from far than near.
  • They have small mustaches next to their beaks that, like the whiskers of cats, serve to widen their sense of smell.
  • They have an extremely fine ear.

Algunos otros datos interesantes sobre los búhos:

  • Al sonido que emiten estas aves se le denomina ulular.
  • Suelen tener una sola pareja en su vida.
  • Dejan caer una presa muerta a los pies de una hembra como parte de una ceremonia nupcial improvisada.
  • Pueden rotar 270º su cabeza en el eje longitudinal, hacia ambos lados.
  • No tienen movilidad ocular.
  • El peso de sus grandes ojos equivale a 1/3 del total de su cabeza.
  • Tienen una de las mejores vistas nocturnas pero ni siquiera ellos pueden ver con claridad en plena noche cerrada.
  • Su vista es mejor de lejos que de cerca.
  • Poseen unos pequeños bigotes al lado de sus picos que, al igual que los bigotes de los gatos, les sirven para ampliar su sentido del olfato.
  • Tienen un oído extremadamente fino.









I liked very much what I saw in your profile very good articles, thanks for sharing I hope to continue enjoying your success articles and congratulations again.

Thank you very much @fannyamor
Much appreciated your compliment.

Stunning animal. Very jealous!

Very nice photos, especially that second one and, of course, that last one is amazing. Very nicely taken!

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