Black rock viewpoint to the best beach on Phuket

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

Phuket has a lot of nice places like beaches or hills. This hill is called Pa Hindum or Black rock. It's realy not easy to come here because you need to drive from main road to off road.

Phuket má spoustu pěkných míst jakožto pláže i hory. Tento kopec se jmenuje Pa Hindum neboli Black rock. Není snadné sem dojet protože je potřeba sjet z hlavní cesty na crossovou cestu.

Don't worry about dogs. They will not bite you if you'll not stop. :)

Psů se nebojte. Oni nekoušou dokud se nezastaví. :)
Also on the way here can miss some nice viewpoint. From this one can see Big Buddha statue, Karon beach and Kata beach.

Cestou minete spoustu pěkných míst jako je třeba tato vyhlídka, ze které lze vidět Big Buddhu, Karon a Kata pláže.
After than you come to this place just park you bike or car here and go to the left.

Po příjezdu na toto místo stačí zaparkovat motorku či auto a pokračovat doleva nahoru.

Here is the last few meter to the Black rock viewpoint.
Tady je posledních pár metrů k vyhlídce.

And here is it. The place in skies.

A tady to je. Místo na obloze.




This place literally looks like heaven on Earth. Can't wait to visit it.

You should to come :)

Interesting post!
Improve the quality of your posts.

Thanks for sharing this place. I already have been to Phuket 2 times but never visited this viewpoint. Looks like the hard way to get there is totally worth it!

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