How does global warming affect the great barrier?

in #nature6 years ago (edited)


The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, one of the icons of the world's oceans, does not live the best days because of the direct whitening suffered in the first half of 2016.

The barrier is the largest coral reef on the planet, with hundreds of individual reefs and 1,000 islands.

It was a drastic change. 29% of the 3,863 reefs lost 2/3 or more of the corals. And the death toll was accelerated, according to Terry Hughes, director of the Center for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Australia, author of a study published in Nature.

The corals that bleached little will recover in a few months; but those that remained as snow were subjected to more heat and most will die.


How does global warming affect the great barrier? 

It is produced by the highest temperature of the water, the corals lose the zoosantelas, algae that live in union with the corals and give them their color, those that can not feed, die and the live coral can be replaced by algae. There remains a whitish structure. 


Some corals resist more and manage to survive or recover. Those who are most affected are among those who grow fastest.  The problem is that these heat waves are becoming more frequent due to climate change. A global coral bleaching occurred in 1998, another in 2002, and 2016 was the most severe. The situation suggests that climate change, increasingly felt, is a great threat to these ecosystems across the planet.  


Faced with the loss in the Great Barrier Reef, the Australian government announced an investment of US $ 349 to improve the quality of the waters in the reefs, an effort that according to experts like Hughes, will not be of much help. The threat is climate change. 


Siento morir cada que veo imágenes como estas.....Sad

Yes I am agree with you. It is very harmful for us.

yes i agree with you, It was a drastic change.

This is super sad. I’ve always wanted to visit the great barrier reefs. Just hoping I can make it there before the rest of it succumbs to the same fate.

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