High Sierra Trips - Cloudripper

in #nature7 years ago

Well... I posted this yesterday, but somehow it disappeared??!! I'm not sure what happened. Kinda wierd, but whatever. Here we go again. Cloudripper!

We drove up to Bishop for a 3 day trip to climb Cloudripper(13,525')!! We started at the South Lake trailhead and headed up the Waterpipe trail to meet the Green lake trail. We got to Brown lake where we stopped for a short lunch break and then hiked the last mile or so to Green lake where we made our base camp. Green lake was super nice and we found a good spot to camp on the far side of the lake where we had great views up at Vagabond peak. The next morning we started early and climbed up above the lake. We ascended the broad north ridge up the scree and talus to the summit of Vagabond peak(13,374')!! From there we had to descend through a wide saddle before starting our climb up Cloudripper. We made it to the summit and signed the register, but we couldn't stay very long because a thunderstorm was building quick. We took some pictures and headed down from the summit. We headed back across the saddle, back over Vagabond, and eventually back down to our camp at Green lake. We camped there one more night and hiked back out to South lake the next morning.

14724580_1294852417212560_2755590865606808747_n.jpg Overlooking Bishop creek

14724405_1294852453879223_8237986799512208990_n.jpg Meadows along the trail

14717097_1294852460545889_3440189638762377342_n.jpg Brown lake

14695551_1294852447212557_2339854759050671921_n.jpg Arriving at Green lake

14670600_1294852510545884_2922459945462751323_n.jpg Sunset

14681718_1294852667212535_3330826228561654870_n.jpg Reflection on Green lake

14702467_1294852740545861_1495516237844852442_n.jpg Green lake and Vagabond peak

14681800_1294852760545859_2076205935791822455_n.jpg Climbing Vagabond peak

14572195_1294852747212527_7169070516505022982_n.jpg Cloudripper from Vagabond peak

14718764_1294852947212507_135398840312381841_n.jpg Overlooking Thunder and Lightning lake from Vagabond peak

14681853_1294853050545830_3486339689240235969_n.jpg Climbing Cloudripper

14650297_1294853083879160_7252329863442384141_n.jpg Approaching the summit

14718597_1294853100545825_6382665283111225039_n.jpg Views from Cloudripper

14729352_1294853200545815_8643552153793822004_n.jpg On the summit of Cloudripper

14724493_1294853257212476_2908953432933630821_n.jpg Views from Cloudripper

14729194_1294853237212478_5359142594580230143_n-1.jpg Me on the summit blocks

14568106_1294853260545809_8131378013460541502_n.jpg Starting down from the summit

14705831_1294853377212464_3663695907382631173_n.jpg Thunder and Lightning lake

14563354_1294853380545797_4825342887673095597_n.jpg Getting back to Green lake

14523032_1294853520545783_2152237477211912686_n.jpg Back at camp

14523300_1294853493879119_2487170538522494583_n.jpg Sunset

14717093_1294853543879114_7127168284727244748_n.jpg Starry night

14729239_1294853563879112_8544851306228061592_n.jpg Pup is watching the fish

14600839_1294853650545770_7989345331392421940_n.jpg Crossing the inlet of Green lake

14633101_1294853683879100_685858395934820358_n.jpg Hiking back down passed Brown lake

14717294_1294853750545760_3700761982665933219_n.jpg Hiking back to South lake

14721575_1294853743879094_3482388222193028356_n.jpg Hiking back to South lake

Youtube video-



Lovely pictures and great video!

Thank you! I'm happy that you like the video.

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