Mother nature is an insipid cunt.

in #nature5 years ago

Seriously. What kind of cave dwelling troglodytes do you think we are, nature? Get outta here with this shit. And, lets not forget to thank the weather channel/weather man for his insightful views into what to expect, it wasn't at all off by 4 hours. You're totally not a bunch of duplicitous whores. I definitely enjoyed getting hit with hail when I was getting out of the car, especially the gumball sized pieces. It certainly made my penis very warm and fuzzy feeling. Shoutout to @Blewitt for being a large part of the reason why I was out in this, as I decided to go visit my local baskin robbins from a post he made earlier. You god damn syphilitic fiend. But, yeah. Hope you all enjoy the video glimpsing into what it's like living in the midwest. 


That was some loud ass hail! Glad you survived to tell this harrowing tale MurderBerry!

It got even worse after we pulled in, we were running around like a chicken who's being molested by an Incel. Some of the worst hail we've ever had here in Ohio, at least while I've been alive.

How's your penis feeling now though?

If I had to describe it it would be cold, soggy (not in a good way) and dilapidated. Perhaps if I just lay spread eagle with a hairdryer on it for awhile I might feel better.

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