Artist in crypto part 3: numeraire exploding?
Yesterday i told you the value of my investment in Numeraire of $25 had trippled. This night it had a high of almost $150. Sixfold!
Why on a earth am i these days not at home?! I want to invest $1000. But i have to be behind my desktop computer. Aaargghh, this was my chance. In the last 24 hours Numeraire was number 9 in trading volume. People are making money here!
My hopes are on tomorrow...
Thanks for sharing this information
Nice blog. Interesting to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. Investing in the cryptospace might come with a high risk but honestly I don't believe the risk is that high for the people who are daring to HOLD their coins for long. Besides there is: I'm really happy with this site that gives complete coin analysis for every single crypto.