in #nature7 years ago


My name is Bushan...
Once upon a time, I ran away from home. Papa had become too restrictive. I wanted to explore the world away from home. I needed to see what was out there. One of those days of adventure I came across a neighbourhood. There were puppies. They played. I liked them. I wanted to join. But as I came close, mama dog ran out. She barked at me. I ran back, wondering why she was that hostile. I meant no harm. I just wanted to play. She barked again, and came close so I ran. I didn't want to be torn.
2nd day I passed by again and mama dog pursued. But I loved to watch puppies play, so I came again third day. This time mama dog was prepared to tear me in shreds. She chased, and I fled as fast as I could. I ran towards home. My body bare several marks of her paws for she came really close but I escaped, through the jaws of death.

Papa saw me running home. He ran to me. He has forgiven my crime already. He embraced me and cried. " I'd looked for you everywhere he said"

"Now where the hell did you go to and what in God's name got your ass running like it be for your life?. " Yes papa. It was for my life. The big dog nearly ate me up". I said

Papa laughed loud. I was startled. " I said the big dog nearly tore your son in pieces " I reiterated but papa laughed again and rolled on the grass. I stood transfixed. Then papa stood and looked into me eyes. His face had transformed. His eyes red as flame, his mane spread out, and his face wrinkled. Then he roared aloud. My heart dangled loosely within its cage. Was he going to eat me up?.images (1).jpeg

He roared again, and again, and yet again. As he continued it seemed the aggression was being transferred. I was getting angry too. Then like pressure building up a hydraulic pump, aggression flowed out from my mouth in a roar. Papa roared and I roared back fiercely, looking straight into his eyes. It happened again and again, and then again.

Then papa said. "Congrats Bushan. Welcome to Lionhood. The foe from whom you ran is no match for you. Your paws are 10 times stronger. Your canines and jaws are 20 times more efficient. But when she barked and you ran, she knew you were uninitiated. You knew not whom you are. So she chased strongly, so she could kill you before you discovered yourself. She knows I'm the king of the jungle so she seeks to hunt down my heir. But now you know and you are equipped.

I was mad at myself for fleeing, so I told dad to let me get him the head of the dog as my first proof of sonship.I'd make him proud. He let me and off I ran.

I found big dog. As usual she barked, but I stood. Again she did and I responded in baritone with a roar that shook the ground on which she stood. I saw fear and defeat betrayed on her face already. I put a limb forward and she set one back. Then another and she withdrew another. Then she turned around and sprinted off. I chased. I caught her and mauled her till she bit the dust. Then I brought my trophy home to papa.
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Hey, you are running from the enemy cos you have left your father and haven't discovered whom you are in Christ. That you are a god. Get back to God, let him activate the Lion in you. The devil will be the one on the run.

Stay blessed

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