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RE: The last male Northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) died this Monday; there are now only females left of the subspecies

in #nature6 years ago

Fuck buyers
They are the ones that fuel the poaching& make it profitable.
Only way to end poaching is to end the buying (esp china, viatname & other asian countries). Till the ppl r paying huge profit there is someone having his life in risk...


Hi @Chetan9,
That makes sense, stop buying. We always hear about the massive efforts done to protect the endangered animals in Africa. But have someone tried to educate the potential customers of that "magical powder"? Am I ignorant and naive if I think that the buyers would stop buying if they had realized what they're purchases caused? I can't imagine someone want to have a "hard one" on the behalf of the last rhino?
Cheers, Erlend

Hi @erlendgroseth. Lots of organizations and people have tried to convince Chinese and Asian buyers to stop purchasing products made from rare animals, but it seems to be pointless. This medicine is just too heavily influenced by their culture, and the current grown-up generation does not seem willing to change at all. Right now it all kind of depends on whether or not the youth generation will keep this cruel thing going or not..

Yes, I completely agree with you. Most people believe that the problem are the poachers themselves, but the buyers are the real problem. If we stop the buyers, then no one will poach animals, but if we stop the poachers, new ones will just take their place.

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