Know Animals #2 MantissteemCreated with Sketch.

in #nature5 years ago
         What is  Mantis ?

Mantises are an order of insects that contains over 2,400 species in about 430 genera in 15 families and the largest family is the Mantidae.

Mantises are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats.


They have triangular heads with large eyes, flexible necks that rotate 180 degrees.

Mantis is a carnivorous insect and prey flies, grasshoppers and along among others, mice, small turtles and small snakes.

It is also called praying mantis because the way its front legs are bent in a "prayer" movement.

Mantis are coloured green or brown, so they can mix between leaves and foliage.


• The females of some mantis species eat the male as they mate, female bites her head or legs during the sexual act. Fortunately for male mantises, this circumstance only occurs in 30% of cases.

• These insects have a pair of eyes, in some cases composed in turn of thousands of miniature eyes. They are the only insects that have a 3D vision, like humans.

• Mantis have two eyes, but only one ear located on the underside of its belly, just forward of its hind legs.



It has over 2,400 species, here is some name of them.

• European mantis

• Orchid mantis

• Chinese mantis

• ‎Carolina mantis

• Gongylus gongylodes

• Tenodera aridifolia

  • Kingdom:- animalia

  • Family:- mantidae

  • Phylum:- euarthropoda

  • Class:- insecta

  • Order:- mantodea

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