The Dire Consequence of Snaring.

in #nature6 years ago (edited)


There is nothing as vulgar as savage greed in my opinion, and fighting illegal poachers who set up snares on the farm has become a daily battle. Even though it would still be wrong, I think that I would have been able to understand the snaring situation so much better if the snares were regularly serviced and the animals caught were granted a quick death and then utilized – however, this is not the case at all.

Currently the snares that are being set illegally, are just left unattended, often capturing prey that suffer horrible deaths before being left to rot. Often mothers would be caught in the snares leaving their babies orphaned, and in nature that would mean certain death unless intervention of some sorts come to play.



Little baby Ramises, an orphaned duiker that was taken in by myself. Ramesis was hand reared and later rehabilitated back onto the farm

Another huge issue with snares, especially illegal snares is that it is not the most selective form of hunting, and what I mean by this, is that the hunter (in this case the poacher) has little to no control over what he traps, meaning that endangered or undesirable animals (as far as eating goes) would often fall victim to these heinous traps.



But snares are not only a danger to the wildlife, it is also a great threat to roaming livestock, I have lost numerous goats to snaring. Sometimes we are lucky and the goats that were trapped in the snares would manage to break the wire and make their way home sometimes with the snare still attached to them but always with gaping wounds where the wire cut into their flesh as they tried to get free. This would then take a lot of time and effort as well as costly medical care to manage. Sadly the majority of wildlife that manages to break free does not have this luxury and more often than not, they would succumb from the infections or brute damage of their injuries.

Despite the fact that we try to do sporadic searches for snares on and around the farm as often as possible, limited manpower as well as a lack of time to spare makes this a very difficult task and often leaves me feeling that all our efforts to stop the poachers are futile, but I know that every snare that gets taken down makes a difference!


Snares are really good when your in a survival situation.

But like this? It's just like malicious intent and behavior. Why would you set these and then forget to check or remove?

I'm sorry you have the issue. And as having used it to catch feral dogs attacking kids. I know how effective they are.

In the wrong hands they are a very inhumane tool.

Even in the most dire of circumstances if I was forced to use to survive I'd check often and also take it with me and not leave it unattended.

I often am dumbfounded at the callous cruelty some people can exhibit, and leaving snares unattended utterly perplexes me. Why set the damn thing at all if you're not going to check it?

I'm quite saddened that this malice affects you.

Thanks for raising the issue, so more folks might be aware of it.

I consider hunting with snares to be the most dangerous form of hunting.
I applaud your effort in doing sporadic search for snares around the farms.
Keep up the wonderful work for your effort to stop poachers is not futile.

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Sorry that I'm only seeing this now @breezin. But you are right. It's disgusting. We nearly lost a cat to the smaller snares set. Poachers have no consideration. I guess that's why they are poachers. My first (late) husband was a trails officer in Imfolozi Game Reserve. I can tell you stories about the poaching there. HORRIFIC. And, as with the rest of the country, those being protected are the poachers! Not the anti-poaching teams and certainly not the innocent animals.

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