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RE: Up That Weeded Path We Tread Again

in #nature6 years ago

Oh wow - thank you so much for this I really appreciate it, I will certainly try that with my next harvest, can I ask you something? when making the oil - would it matter weather I am using male and female plants, or should I still weed out the males?

I am familliar with companion plants, and often use it when planting, but I never knew that weed would have such a great effect - much better that any companion plants I have coupled, and it works on any plants you grow with it, where normally companion planting is plant species selective.


You should weed out the male plants because it's easy, they stretch longer and flower first, and because when the female gets pollinated it stops producing flowers and focuses most energy on making seeds. If you want to keep the male plants you can snip off the buds before they flower or cover the male flowers with little shopping bag plastic baggies that you snap shut around the buds, and you'd do the later mainly if you want to make seeds and pollinate plants for genetics/traits.

Separating males from females can usually happen at the first sign of preflowers, at the two week mark, after the first true leafs are "out", the females have long thin preflowers (the small 'leafs' that you see at all the nodes of the young plants, and at the top but it's easier to distinguish them at the nodes) and the males are short and stocky/broad. Another tip to follow is to keep at least a male plant around as the females can sense if there is a viable pollinator in 'pollinating' range and if not they will usually herm out and self-pollinate, though it might only be a few seeds. The plant does redirect most energy from bud production to creating the seeds once they're pollinated which means less flower, cannabinoids mostly stop developing and fewer trichomes produced. If you use the baggie method on a male that's close by then after the pollen sacks open and release you can use a makeup brush to pick them up and brush a bud on the female plant so you can develop traits and have seeds for next year.

You can use male plants to make the oil and everything on the plant, not only the flowers. I made some a few years ago following RS directions and I used trim from the previous season, with 10 gallons of alcohol and about 4 pounds of trim I made 10 big syringes of oil, I think one syringe was 45 grams of oil/65 ml. If you use flowers from females exclusively you will get substantially more but if you have the alcohol then there's no reason to not use the whole plant, male or female

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