in #nature6 years ago (edited)

Peace and blessings be upon everyone.
786145-demon.jpgDevil, demon, satan, saitan they are called by many names.The leader of them is called Iblis in my religion and Lucifer by Christian religion.Among all of them, a name is most common and that is ZOZO.So, what is ZOZO?ZOZO is a demon who is famous among those who play Ouija board.If you don't know what is an Ouija board, then please let me explain.An Ouija board is a game through which you can communicate with demons.th_2.jpg
This game is probably the most dangerous game ever.Why? Because the player has a huge chance of getting possessed by demon and when a demon possesses someone, it is way too hard to get rid of them.This even risks the life of the victim.When someone plays Ouija board, he has a chance to communicate with the demon named ZOZO.Demon is not someone you want to meet or mess with.Even if you accidentally mess with them, they will completely destroy you or your family.Many people have lost their lives by doing so.Now let's get back to ZOZO.There is an incident that happened which is related to ZOZO.The incident took place in Sylhet,Bangladesh.The incident goes like this :

A mother was trying to feed her daughter at dinner time but it doesn't matter what she did, her daughter kept refusing to eat.Then the mother tried to scare her daughter and said,"Eat or ZOZO will eat you."But still, her daughter wasn't eating her dinner.Then suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere.The voice said,"Eat dear or ZOZO will really come."Both the mother and her daughter got pretty scared by this.The mother thought that her husband is trying to scare their daughter as well.Then again the voice was heard,"Eat dear, ZOZO is comming."The mother went to the other room to be sure that her husband is trying to trick their daughter.She went and asked her husband if he is the one behind the voice.But her husband refused and said that he had no idea about what she was saying.When They were talking each other, the voice came again and said,"ZOZO has come."Hearing this, both of them lost their cool and ran to check on their daughter.But when they approached their daughter's room........
They saw that half of their daughter's body was swallowed by a black figure.The mother became senseless and the father screamed and another man passing by heared his scream.The man rushed to their house to see what's the problem.The man saw the same thing as they did.Total four people witnessed ZOZO including the child daughter herself.
The story is not 100% confirmed to be truth.If it is, then I hope you understand what happens when you try to mess with them or their names even by accidentally.And if it is not, then it's just a myth.Either way, stay out of troubles and be virtuous and religious.May Allah Subhanahi Wa Ta'ala be pleased and blessed with each and every one of us.


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