Discovering: The beauty of the Greina (illustrated) | La bellezza della Greina (illustrato). ENG - ITA

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

The Greina region | La regione della Greina

Image by Beppe Grassi, all rights reserved

Greina is a beautiful region located between the Ticino and the Grison, in the south-eastern part of Switzerland.

La Greina é una bellissima regione situata tra il Ticino e i Grigioni, nella parte sud-orientale della Svizzera.
Google maps

It is a plateau at 2200 meters above sea level, in the middle of the Swiss Alps, decorated with peat bogs, streams and marshes. You never expect to find an expanse of this size and beauty amid the rocky mountains that surround it.

Si tratta di un altipiano a 2200 metri di altitudine, nel pieno delle alpi svizzere decorato da torbiere, ruscelli e paludi. Non ci si aspetterebbe mai di trovare una distesa di queste dimensioni e bellezza in mezzo alle rocciose montagne che la circondano.

Image by wikipedia

To reach the palce it takes an ascent of about two hours, which is amply repaid by the view of the landscape. Halfway through the walk you can still stop at the hut "Scaletta" :D

Per raggiungere la radura ci vogliono circa due ore di salita, fatica che é ampiamente ripagata dalla vista del paesaggio. A metà della camminata si può comunque fare una sosta alla capanna "Scaletta" :D

Image by Elvezio

A point much appreciated by hikers is the arch, a beautiful natural rocky "sculpture", of which I created a watercolor illustration.

Un punto molto apprezzato dai passanti è l'arco, una stupenda "scultura" naturale di roccia, di cui ho creato un'illustrazione ad acquerello.

watercolor by @airmatti

If you happen to pass around here it could be an idea for a magical walk on the Alps!

Se vi capita di passare da queste parti potrebbe essere un'idea per una magica passeggiata sulle alpi!

Do you know other surprising plateaus in the mountains? Let me know!

Conoscete altre sorprendenti altipiani in mezzo alle montagne? Fatemi sapere!

Sources: wikipedia | ramarroti |
Images credits: Beppe Grassi (photos) | @airmatti | wikipedia - Elvezio

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llustrator, graphic designer

Outdoor adventurer

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bello davvero!

Grazie mille!!

La Greina... uno dei posti più belli della Svizzera!!!


Che bello! Devo dire che ancora mi mancano posti da esplorare in Ticino:-)

La superficie è piccola, ma con le diverse valli diventa bello grande!


What a beautiful place ! I would love to live there. And your water colour illustration is lovely :)

Yeah it's a beautiful and peaceful place! Thank you!


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This is an absolutely stunning walk. Its been so many years since I've been to Switzerland, would love to go back again.

By the way, I am part of the Steemit Worldmap curation team. It would be great to see your post on the map. You can find out more about it on Just click on the 'code' at the bottom of the map and follow the instructions or check out the FAQ.

It's a really great application, I can discover a lot of interesting post about it! I did it and hope it worked!
Where have you been in Switzerland?

It looks like it hasn't added yet, is it ok?

You should get an instant response confirming its been added to the map...

If the code has been pasted to your post now it should work. I'll ask the team to take a look at it

That's so cool!

bad timing today, there are some issues with the map right now, and its being resolved, but please do continue to support it :-)

No problem! I just wanted to make shure I did things in the correct way!

Wow living in Switzerland is like living next to the stairway to heaven. Unbelievable what beautiful nature you guys have

Yeah some places are definetly a beauty! But as it is, it cost you some effort if you wanna reach the heaven eheh!

ice on mountains shows beauty of the nature. nice post @airmatti


Bellissimo posto!!

Sono sicuro che ci potresti fare delle ottime foto!

Sarebbe bellissimo! :)

Non si sa mai, se una volta devi andare a Nord.... Anche a me piacerebbe passare di lì un giorno...

primavera è il periodo migliore sia per Roma che per Napoli!! ;)

Tengo presente!!

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