Flood and Environmental Damage

in #nature7 years ago

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Flood is one of the natural disasters that routinely occur every year, so often take a lot of victims, both soul, property and facilities and infrastructure for community life.

Not only that, a number of public facilities are also not damaged slightly by the disaster and tens of thousands of hectares of rice fields and other crops failed crops, roads and bridges damaged, and destroyed.

The flood disaster does not seem to be a new thing in Aceh province and in every year it always happens. Especially when the rainy season arrives, of course the calamity always adorn the mass media.

When viewed from the various series of floods, with events that are always repeated, then seen mitigation efforts that have not been right on target. Or there is a mistake in looking at the root of the problem, so the process of mitigation is done only merely ceremonial.

But there is also a judge that, the routine flood caused due to environmental damage and greed of certain elements who touch the various sectors of natural resources.

Although various regulations have been established and many are opposed, but the various acts that cause environmental damage still continue to occur and as if the perpetrators are immune.

Obviously it becomes an important issue, due to the act of the hands of the elements causing damage to the environmental sectors and it is certain that various natural disasters will happen.

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Hopefully the future of Aceh Government can provide a concrete solution to the problem of the flood disaster and also must prepare various infrastructures in order to minimize the occurrence of floods.

Several Public Facilities Damaged

the flood disaster that occurred in Aceh in 2017, there are eleven districts that denote the emergency response status and also caused damage to a number of public facilities. This year's calamity, worse than the year before.

Head of Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) Yusmadi said, due to the flood disaster that hit Aceh some time ago, a number of public facilities suffered various damage.

Currently, his side is still carrying out data collection on public facilities damaged by the flood, let alone the incident is quite severe and need time to fix it.

"Until now, we are still registering a number of public facilities damaged by the flood disaster, for detailed data we do not know because it continues to collect data damage," said Yusmadi.

Himself explained, each public facilities that have been damaged, in general, river cliffs and bridges that suffered severe damage, as happened in Tangse, Pidie Jaya District.

Likewise, in the South Aceh District the bridge was broken by the flood, but it has been handled in an emergency. While in the Tapaktuan area, South Aceh regency public road suffered severe damage.

"So also with soaked rice fields also many, but we have not provided detailed data, on a number of damaged public facilities, because it is still being done data collection," said Yusmadi.

While the regions that menykah emergency response status in the floods, namely Southeast Aceh district, Singkil, Subussalam, south Aceh, Nagan raya, Bireun, Aceh Utara, East Aceh, Tamiang, Pidie and Pidie Jaya District.

Need Concrete Steps

Problems to overcome the floods of Aceh needed concrete steps from the Government of Aceh to the government for the district and city level, let alone the disaster mitigation program that is done only merely ceremonial.

Director of the Forum for the Environment (WALHI) Aceh M. Noer said the flood disaster that occurred in Aceh, is inseparable from various cases of environmental damage that occurred during this time.

Based on the results of monitoring conducted by it, the result of improper forest and land management, has had a major impact on the occurrence of ecological disaster in Aceh.

So that with the disaster, not only losses occur in a number of public infrastructure, also affecting casualties, lost property, paralyzed people's economy, damaged agricultural land, and attacked by disease outbreaks.

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"So there must be concrete steps from our government if this disaster can be overcome, such as do not give permission for companies that have the potential to damage the environment. If the permit is still given, then this natural disaster will be more severe, "said M. Noer.

He added that now the government is too easy to give permission to every company, so that easily open land and not only limited to that, many protected forests are severely damaged.

With the damage to the environment, it causes not able to absorb water to the ground. So these things are ignored by the policy makers in Aceh, so it always hit by natural disasters.

Based on data collected by it, then in 2014 there has been flood disaster in Aceh 31 times, in 2015 as many as 39 times, in 2016 as many as 26 times and in 2017 there has been flood disaster as many as 34 times.

"Although the intensity is not as much as in the previous year, but the flood disaster that occurred in this year is receding including old and causing damage in various sectors, as well as more losses," said M. Noer.

Additionally, the total loss caused by the flood disaster in Aceh in 2016 is Rp. 375,049,750,000 and in 2017 its loss reached Rp 1.5 trillion. The cause of the increase in the number of such losses, caused by the long flood receded.

The rate of loss, calculated based on the extent of damage to agricultural land and plantations, houses ranging from minor damage, moderate to severe, roads, bridges, and other public facilities, displaced communities, health problems, paralyzed citizens' economy, and social problems arise.

"If the government wants to stop the various natural disasters, it must act firmly against those who have done environmental damage in Aceh. Currently our forests are shrinking, mining everywhere, overrunning forest functions and this is like inviting disaster, "said M. Noer.

Infrastructure Not Optimal

Some of the existing infrastructure in Aceh is still not maximized and the indicators can be seen, if the floods have to wait a long time for the water to recede, as well as different from other areas.

University of Malikussaleh Academics Wesli said he had done research on the floods that occurred in Aceh, it can be concluded that the existing infrastructure has been very inadequate.

"Based on my research that the infrastructure of our region is no estuary, such as built various channels, but during heavy rain in long intensity the water is inundated, because the channel is not channeled to the sowing or to the sea," said Wesli.

Wesli added, the government must be more serious in building infrastructure, so that when the rain in high intensity, does not cause water puddles.

Not only that, at this time the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) must also prepare early warning alarm banjir. If predicted rain that could cause the potential flood, then the alarm must be sounded so that people can more quickly prepare the evacuation process.

"This alarm must be heard throughout the village community, so with early warning, it can be done faster evacuation not as it is now. For this infrastructure issue is very important, "said Wesli.

Impacts on Psychological

Psikologi Expert of Malikussaleh University Nursan Sinita said the flood disaster that occurs regularly, also has an impact on the psychology of children who live in the area.

The impact can be various, as well as feel anxious and worried, and also can have an impact on education, if the school was forced to closed, and a number of facilities began to be damaged, it can cause the child has no sense to taste education again.

"Just imagine, if the occurrence of flooding schools must have been closed off and other supporting facilities are also damaged. Things like this, can bring bad effects for children, they may not want to continue education, "said Nursan.

Nursan added, if the flood disaster does not have a solution and continues to happen in every year, then anxiety for the children will continue to happen and it will be a burden for his mind.

"Hopefully in the future the flood disaster will no longer hit our region, because it can give psychological impact to the children. So the government also needs to find a solution, "said Nursan.


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