Botanical Garden Tours : #023 Caryota Mitis : Fishtail Palm / Fischschwanzpalme

in #nature5 years ago (edited)

Hello lovely Steemians !


Welcome to another day of the #botanicalgardentours. Today I want to present to you the Caryota Mitis, also known as the Fishtail Palm.


Herzlich willkommen zu einem weiteren Tag mit den #botanicalgardentours. Heute möchte ich euch den Caryota Mitis vorstellen, der auch als Fischschwanzpalme bekannt ist.


The fishtailpalm is native to south east asia. It is always green, not winter-hardy and loves temperatures in the range of 15 to 30 °C. The name of this tree is derived from the triangular shape of it leaves. Those can get even as long as 90 cm and the palm itself can reach hights of 10 m and has a relatively thin stem.


Die Fischschwanzpalme stammt aus Südostasien. Sie ist immergrün, nicht winterhart und liebt Temperaturen im Bereich von 15 bis 30 °C. Der Name dieses Baumes leitet sich von der dreieckigen Form seiner Blätter ab. Diese können bis zu 90 cm lang werden und die Palme selbst kann eine Höhe von 10 m erreichen und hat einen relaziv dünnen Stamm.


The palm tree starts to blossom after 20 years. One thing that someone should keep in mind is thst its fruits contain oxalic acid. So touching them or even eating is kind of a bad idea. The inflorescences can be used for extraction of palm wine and sugar. Thereby one inflorescence can yield up to 10 liters of sugar juice in the end.


Die Palme beginnt nach 20 Jahren zu blühen. Eine Sache, die man dabei beachten sollte ist, dass die Früchte Oxal Säure enthalten. Es ist also eine schlechte Idee sie zu berühren oder sogar zu essen. Die Blütenstände können zur Gewinnung von Palmwein und Zucker verwendet werden. Dabei kann ein Blütenstand am Ende bis zu 10 Liter Zuckersaft hergeben.


As always I hope that you enjoyed todays #botanicalgardentours. If you did, I would be happy about an upvote, comment or resteem .. and If you want to see more from me in the future feel free to follow me ;)


Ich hoffe wie immer, dass euch die heutigen #botanicalgardentours gefallen haben. Wenn dem so ist , dann würde ich mich sehr über einen Upvote, Kommentar oder Resteem freuen .. und wenn ihr in Zukunft mehr von mir sehen möchtet, dann könnt ihr mir gerne folgen ;)







If you want to know more about me, just look up my Introduceyourself post or follow my blog ^^

Wenn Ihr mehr über mich erfahren wollt, dann schaut euch doch meinen Introduceyourself Post an oder folgt meinem Blog ^^

Best wishes


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Hey @adalger, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @beerlover, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

I enjoy botanical gardens pretty much!!

They are great places ^^ .. it is a pitty that not every city has one nowadays

That's a weird looking tree. I think it's the first time I see it.

This one really looks strange .. I also could not believe initially that the fruits contains oxalix acid and also are used to gain sugar juice ^^ but it somehow makes sence as it probably wants to protect itself this way from its enemys ;) .. thank you for stopping by @trincowski !

Danke für diesen sehr informativen Artikel... Würd mich interessieren wie dieser Zuckersaft so schmeckt! Süss na klar, aber was sonst noch an Aroma da so mitkommt. Weisst du eventuell mehr Adalger?

I never tried it before, but I found this article about it being a widespread used sweetener in Sri Lanka .. it also tells how the sugar is collected and prepared.

To shorten it down: When the colleted juice is boiled down it becomes a sticky and intensely sweet syrup with the color and thickness of honey.

This is "kithul" syrup, thats what they call it locally. They describe the taste as woody, floral, smoky and even savory. I hope this helps a bit.

Thank you @mondoshawan for that excellent question ^^

Thanks for your answer man...Hopefully I gonna find some "kithul" someday ;)

You are welcome !! .. I am sure that if you find a supply shop for indian cuisine, or maybe a general asia store, you can get it there, must be amazing in a tea for some experimental flavours ^^

Cool tree. Botanical gardens can be so neat!

Hey there .. I can not getvenough ofcthat place ^^ .. but the problem in showing all those beautiful plants is the time of their blossom .. they are just doing it whenever they want .. I once asked them to be so polite to show me all their states of blossom at once, but there was just no reply ;)

Hahahaha, plants have minds of their own, for sure! I think it's just a ploy for more visitors. ;-)

Hello @adalger, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you very much !! This is really amazing and highly appreciated ^^ .. juhuu ;)

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