Ashura when Shiites

in #nature7 years ago


This day is of importance to the Shiites. On this day, the killing of Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib and his family was unjust. After a three day siege, he and the people of his house were deprived of water on the 10th of Muharram, 61 AH by the army of Yazid Ibn Mu'awiyah. And the memory of the Shiites in general, and the twelve in particular, distinctive rituals carried out during the first ten days of Muharram, which strengthen their faith by thinking of the great tragic event. And the rituals performed by the Shiites of the Twelve, all over the world, especially in Karbala, visit the shrine of Hussein and lighting candles and read the story of Imam Hussein and crying when they hear and slap to express their grief over the incident, and listen to poems about the tragedy and preaching how to martyr Hussein and his family. This is intended to link them with the suffering of Hussein and martyrdom, and the sacrifices he made to keep Islam alive. imagespij.jpgThe martyrdom of Hussein was widely interpreted as a symbol of the struggle against injustice, tyranny and oppression. The distribution of water to remind the thirst of Hussein in the desert of Karbala and set the fire to indicate the heat of the desert. And some represent the incident and the events that led to the killing of Hussein bin Ali, carrying the swords and armor. They also represent the mass killing of Hussein in what is known as the convoy of Hussein. And some are exaggerating any blood sheds sympathy for Hussein. [2] Some also beat themselves with chains [3]. [4] [5]
Shiites [edit]
The opinion of the twelve Shiite jurists, as well as adult male. Ali al-Sistani, is that the fast of Ashura is obscene and might be happy with fast on the water, almost like that of Hussein and his family on it tragic day. [8]
Mr. Al-Marashi same that the killing of Hussein and his family and Shiites at the hands of the Umayyads prompted the Umayyads to celebrate the tenth day. Hence, they place up a false speak that they claimed was for the Prophet to quick on the tenth day of Muharrum with joy and pleasure. For this reason it's haraam to quick on the day of Ashura and Tasuaa with joy and pleasure, and their quick was from the way of the Umayyads. [9]

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