A panther in the dark - THE CHALLENGE from @naturalmedicine

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

"Thanks to life, which has given me so much,
He gave me two stars, that when I open them,
perfect I distinguish black from white".

Violeta Parra


A panther in the dark

What is your preventative medicine?

In life, everything is connected. The earth, the air, the constellations, we and all beings are made of the same materials. Therefore, what affects one affects the others. Therefore, it is necessary to become aware of this connection and work for the common good in communion with the whole that sustains, protects and repairs us. Mother Nature provides everything we need to live and prevail, despite the adverse circumstances that have been destroying the planet.

The alerts have been firing for a long time, we are putting a lot of pressure on the Earth and along with it, the entire Universe, because we are a Unity. So, if the planet gets sick, the balance breaks down and all kinds of consequences on us and all the natural components of the environment jump.

Although, it is also true that to get sick, you just need to be alive. However, any biochemical process can be delayed, including disease, degeneration and even natural death, if we deepen harmonious exchanges with Nature.


The good vibe is miraculous

Knowing each other and recognizing the energy environment that surrounds us is a decisive step to find the necessary balance to keep us healthy. Surrounding ourselves with Love will create the harmony that is required to work miracles. Life itself is a miracle that corresponds to us to honor; also the earth, the sea, the plants, the animals, the sky, the sun, the stars: Everything is a miracle and a great gift.

A purely energetic environment, without evil, envy or vanity, will attract high vibrations and with them the eradication of many evils of humanity, among them, diseases that are nothing but the expression of bad practices in food production and consumption , low feelings: hate, fears, depression; low quality of life, exposure to the effects of damage caused by man in nature: pollution, greenhouse effect; among others.

In other words, we can say that we are living the consequences of our erroneous interaction with our planet, we are testing in our own flesh part of the acid soup that we force to eat on Earth every day. But, not everything is lost, consciousness has awakened in many people, although it takes more for the great powers to lay down the weapons with which they have been attacking the environment for a long time. It is necessary to talk less in large Summits and act more and very quickly, because time is pressing.


"The similar attracts the similar"

For the intended purpose, we could complete that the natural attracts the natural, just as the false attracts the artificial, the sick, the unworthy. Faced with this reality, we must stand up and demand that we return to the roots. A greater synthesis of products for the consumption of living beings, ensures greater creation of addictions and the indiscriminate use of products created to guarantee the permanence of the status quo. The power that governs the world works to create disasters, misery, wars, diseases: these are cards from the deck with which they play for their immoral enrichment.


Prevention, no regrets

Once I heard that life is like a dove in your hands, if you squeeze too much, you can kill it and if you don't squeeze enough; It will simply go away, fly away. The dove is an allegory of peace and for the interest of our approach, symbolizes inner peace; mental and spiritual peace: Here is an answer to prevent the imbalance that results in disease: PEACE. So, if we work for and for peace, she will be part of our lives. Neither too pressured nor too relaxed, in BALANCE and this balance will induce us to see, touch, sow, eat, breathe, aspire, thank, bless ... from HARMONY and it will restore the order of NATURE. Prevent not to regret, is ancient wisdom and the best recipe for not getting sick.


A panther in the dark

The disease is like a panther in the dark, when we feed it with the wrong energy, thoughts and actions, it goes unnoticed and grows like a monster. For clarity and awareness, we subtract space to duck and attack our defenses, from its darkness. It is necessary to turn off the noise in the head and raise chords of love and peace. A balanced lifestyle, centered on nature as a source of life and power, creates the conditions for the panther to become a cat that meows in certain chords that remind us how fragile the balance is and how important it is to give VALUE and THANKS to LIFE... "Thanks to the life that has given me so much. It has given me laughter and it has given me tears."


By Zeleira Cordero @zeleiracordero.


This is my entry for the @naturalmedicine challenge: What is your preventative medicine?

Initial and final phrase is an approximate translation of Violeta Parra's song "Thanks to life"

The images are from Pixabay CC0 Creative Commons:
Black-panther by IanZA
Purposes by MMckein
Stones by Free-Photos
wellness by HeikeFrohnhoff
Cat by bella67
Thankful by MoneyforCoffee


Simplemente Gracias

For your kind reading, simply THANK YOU

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://zeleiracordero.000webhostapp.com/2019/09/a-panther-in-the-dark-the-challenge-from-naturalmedicine


What a beautiful, heartfelt response. Everything is connected, one affects the other.

The disease is like a panther in the dark, when we feed it with the wrong energy, thoughts and actions, it goes unnoticed and grows like a monster.

You write with such lovely metaphors! Thanks for your entry!

Thank you! I appreciate your words and appreciation.

I just saw you put in wrong channel in Discord, you might want to fix that as I had to delete it... 🧡🤞🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh I'm sorry! I will check to see what I can do.

This is an absolutely wonderful article. We definitely need to have a greater realization of how everything is connected! Following you to see what other wisdom drops you will share with us. <3

Your words flatter me, @agitoflove. Thank you very much for stopping by.

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