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RE: Turmeric Paste for Sore Throats: Home Remedies

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

Two days ago I had to go to Portland for work. A couple hours after I got home, I noted one of my lymph glands was greatly swollen and my throat hurt. I've been abed for two days now, and using salt water gargles, hot compresses, and Ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation.

I'm going to go right now and mix up some turmeric and honey, as I've noticed a lymph gland on the opposite side beginning to feel tender.


Edit: Well, if nothing else, it's tasty! Sure tastes better than Ibuprofen =p


Oh, I hope it helps!!! I do similiar - salt water and sage gargle, ibuprofen, soup with lots of garlic, and this paste. Oh, and ZINC!!! Hope you feel better soon!

I am feeling better, thanks!

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