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RE: How ayahuasca cured my depression (Contest by @NaturalMedicine)

@ilsaione, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's a difficult journey. The documentaries scared me too a lot. That's why it took me 4 years to try it. My experience is that it isn't like in the documentaries at all. My first 2 ceremonies were amazing. Not difficult at all. I didn't purge. But it's good to prepare yourself as it can be very confronting. You could try starting with regression or EMDR therapy if you haven't tried that yet to bring back the memories and diminish the emotional disturbance. You can also search for a good ceremony leader that does 1 on 1 sessions and ask for half a dosis to start with. Just to get familiar with it. There are also promising results with microdosing with magic mushrooms. Then you don't get the 'trip'. This can help with anxiety. But the only way is right through it. There's no other way. Let a good therapist that you trust assist you. Ayahuasca is not that expensive depending on where you want to do it. The amazon can be expensive. But I recommend you to not let you guide you by money. Good guidance is very important! You need some body experienced. On the other side, one ayahuasca session can feel like hundreds of normal therapy sessions. I wish you all the luck! With or without ayahuasca. You can do it! 💚🍀


Thank you for the information. I will have to do some Googling around on some of this stuff as I know it is not probably a little "frowned upon" (if you know what I mean) here in the States, so that is why I was asking about the cost and travel. Thank you for your quick reply!

You are very welcome. It's good to inform yourself about all aspects, but don't let the negative stories impact you too much. Ayahuasca can help you tremendously where other medicines might fail. Be aware that you need to stop taking the AD if you're gonna do it. And a last tip: if you decide to go, make sure that you are ready to look at what the ayahuasca has to tell you. To surrender to it, let go of control. To accept whatever lesson comes your way. That way you don't end up in a fight and your journey will be more easy. Good luck! 🍀💚

Thanks for the tip of stopping the AD in advance if I do decide to do this. If I do, I will let you know and maybe if I have questions, be able to get in touch with you someway. This was therapeutic for me to read! Thanks so much for sharing this with the Steemit community. It was very brave!

Thank you so much! You will get there. For sure. I'm happy to help you out wherever I can. Much love!

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