Mother's day flowers and spring foraging


I couldn't tell you what these flowers are except for the violets which are delicious raw and in cookies, but we were pretty proud of our mini bouquet!

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So mother's day happened last sunday jere in the US, almost a week and the flowers we picked are still holding up strong!

This quarrantine thing has us staying home and being creative. Jessica typically likes to sleep in, so the plab was to get up with little homie and search the woods for spring flowers to make a bouquet before she woke up. Well, of course that morning mom was up and ready to wake up at the same time as us...

We managed to sneak out anyway but all we could find this time of year in our forest were small flowers. The biggest ones around right now are dandilions!

So we came up with a plab to make a tiny bouquet and put it in a delicately selected piece of wood from the forest floor.

It was really cute actually, Manu (little homie) would chose wich flowers to pick, I cut them and voilà.

Happy Mother's Day Month to All the Mothers... You're the real glue in this wolrd!


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If you want to know what really is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

And don't forget… Dreams Come True!

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