Mango and its benefits

Mango is one of the best fruits in many ways and is ideal for consumption in hot summers. Its pleasant taste and aroma, as well as its health promoting qualities, have turned mangoes into a true "king of fruits." It is one of the most consumed fruits in tropical countries and is the national fruit of India. The mango tree grows in the tropics and is grown mainly in many parts of India. The native land of the plant is the Himalayan plains of the Indian subcontinent. The mango on average weighs 250-750 grams, and it looks like a kidney. This fruit belongs to the Anacardia family, which also includes cashews, pistachios, etc.


The main reason why people love mangoes so much is their incredible flavor. As a general rule, people enjoy its rich flavor, without paying attention to the numerous health benefits. However, mangoes are highly valued primarily for their health benefits.

Studies have shown that mango polyphenols limit the inflammatory response in cancerous and non-cancerous mammary cells. It contains antioxidants such as quercetin, isocvercitrin, fisetin, gallic acid, gallate and other enzymes that protect against colon, breast, blood and prostate cancer. Vitamin A and flavonoids such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin help prevent lung and oral cancer. Antioxidants inhibit the oxidation process while fighting harmful free radicals in the body. Mango is a rich source of fiber specifically for the site called pectin, which inhibits the action of a protein called galectin, which is known to cause the growth of cancer cells. This reduces the risk of colon cancer. Lupeol, which is present in mangoes.

Being a rich source of fiber, mango improves digestive health. Like papaya, it contains enzymes that help break down proteins, which facilitates digestion and eliminates feces. The fibers in the handle ensure proper bowel movement and keep the digestive tract clean. Being alkaline, mangoes can cure acidity. It also contains several biologically active compounds, such as esters, terpenes and aldehydes, which have additional benefits for the stomach.

Mango contains a generous amount of vitamins C and A, as well as 25 types of carotenoids that keep the immune system healthy and strong. The antioxidants and minerals present in these fruits limit microbial attacks and cell damage. In fact, mangoes are considered more nutritious than butter or almonds. It not only strengthens all muscles, nerves and body tissues, but also cleanses the body from the inside, increasing immunity.

High levels of fiber, vitamin C and pectin in mangoes help reduce serum cholesterol, especially bad LDL cholesterol in the body. Mango fibers limit the secretion of the hormone leptin, which produces fat cells. Vitamin B6 regulates homocysteine ​​levels, which is harmful to blood vessels and can cause strokes and heart attacks. The high content of polyphenolic antioxidants prevents the accumulation of fat in the arteries, preventing plaque formation and clogging of the arteries. Mango contains a compound called mangiferin, which reduces LDL and triglycerides and increases the amount of beneficial cholesterol.

Fresh mangoes are a good source of potassium, an important component of cellular and biological fluids. Potassium helps regulate heart rate, blood pressure and prevents heart disease.

In addition to fruits, mango leaves are especially useful for patients with diabetes, as they can normalize insulin levels. The traditional remedy: bring the mango leaves to a boil in water, soak them overnight and then consume the filtered broth in the morning. This will regulate the level of insulin in the body. Mango has a low glycemic index, so eating it in moderation will not increase sugar levels.

A large amount of vitamin A, as well as flavonoids such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin present in mangoes, improves vision, combats dry eyes and prevents night blindness.

Mango contains abundant amounts of vitamin B6, which helps improve brain function and maintain an effective nervous system. It also increases our mood by controlling stress. Glutamine, an acid found in mangoes, improves memory and concentration. Pyridoxine helps in the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid, or the hormone GABA in the brain. This hormone acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and inhibits the transmission of nerve signals to the brain, which causes a calming effect.

Mango juice is considered a refrigerant that provides the necessary nutrients and minerals for the body. All you have to do is mix the chopped pieces of green mango, water and a teaspoon of honey in a juicer. The consumption of this juice will cool the entire body. Therefore, it is useful for preventing or treating heat stroke.

Mango is also known as the "fruit of love" due to its properties. Mango consumption can increase potency in men. The abundant amount of vitamin E in the fruit helps regulate sex hormones and increases sexual desire.

Mangoes are low in calories and are free of sodium and fat. Being rich in nutrients in concentrated form, mangoes can be used as a healthy snack. The high fiber content helps burn extra calories by increasing the digestive function of the body, which helps you lose weight. Mango vitamins and minerals help us feel full longer.

Being a rich source of iron, mangoes can prevent anemia. It is especially useful for menopause and pregnancy, often due to iron and calcium deficiency. This fruit also contains a moderate amount of copper, which is a cofactor for the proper functioning of many enzymes, such as cytochrome and superoxide dismutase. It is also involved in the production of red blood cells.

The combination of tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid in mangoes helps maintain the alkalinity of the body.


Thanks for sharing this post with us today, Mango contains a generous amount of vitamins C and A, as well as 25 types of carotenoids that keep the immune system healthy and strong.


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