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RE: Qigong retreat weekend in Kulnura

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

Ooh wow that looks like a pretty epic retreat O_O So much learned and fun had then? :D

On the one hand I wouldn't mind going on one of them, on the other it probably wouldn't work out for me anyway as I can't meditate XD


Well I still can’t meditate. Sitting in Lotus position is impossible for me. But lucky it’s not all about meditation. Also my wife told me that when you meditate you don’t have to manage to clear your mind totally. What you try to do is just allow your mind to race if it ever does and just take awareness of what is happening, witness your own thoughts, witness your feelings.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh I do that all the time anyway XD Only time my mind slows down for a bit is when I'm training (which isn't happening much these days because something keeps coming up >_<) and drawing x_x

So you just sat with your thoughts then? Those spots in the photos would have been really nice ones to be thinking :)

Yea, I sat there focusing on my breathing and my abdomen going in and out until my legs and my back are so painful, the couple of mosquitoes buzzing around my ears are driving me too crazy 🤣

LoL! I have zero tolerance for mosquitoes, poor things, it's that high pitched whine XD

I know eh! If I hear one in my room, I’d be up till it’s dead

Posted using Partiko iOS

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