Spring and its benefits

Spring is a perennial plant, whose height of the stems rarely exceeds 25 cm. The spring root system is fibrous, and the wrinkled leaves have an ovoid-oblong shape with city-like edges. In diameter, the yellow flowers measure approximately 2 cm. There is an orange spot in the throat of each flower. The flowers are collected in elegant umbrella-shaped inflorescences.


Spring blooms in April and May for about 40 days. The fruit of this beautiful plant comes in a box. You can meet Primrose in Russia almost everywhere, as well as in Europe and Crimea.

A plant as wonderful as evening primrose has a diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant and restorative effect. This vitamin plant helps improve the functions of the adrenal glands and also normalizes the process of gastric juice secretion. It should be remembered that in folk medicine, the aerial part of spring with lovely flowers has been used since ancient times.
This plant contains phenol glycosides and saponins in large quantities. The roots of the evening primrose have the presence of essential oils and glycosides. All parts of the presented plant contain ascorbic acid, essential for the human body. In addition, carotene was found in the roots and leaves of evening primrose.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, evening primrose is used as a salad in food. Along with this, dried raw plants are prescribed for the flu, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, polyinosis, bronchitis and rhinosinusitis. This herb has a weak hypnotic and soothing effect, and is also effective for neurosis and migraines.

Evening primrose infusion: To prepare an evening primrose infusion, you should take 4 tablespoons of raw material and pour 500 grams of boiling water on them. Insisting the mixture is recommended in a thermos.


This plant contains phenol glycosides and saponins in large quantities. The roots of the evening primrose have the presence of essential oils and glycosides. All parts of the presented plant contain ascorbic acid, essential for the human body.


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