Granada: useful properties.


The pomegranate is one of those fruits that are not so exotic for us, but that are difficult to call traditional. But the composition of the pomegranate as fruit is really very valuable. By containing many vitamins, minerals that are very necessary for the body and some biologically active substances in its composition, the pomegranate allows to maintain the state of many systems in the body at the correct level. And perhaps the most famous of its healing properties is the support of the circulatory system.

It is the pomegranate that is considered the fruit that most effectively supports the body of those who suffer from anemia. Does garnet increase hemoglobin? Yes, its property is to stimulate the production of hemoglobin, and with it, and red blood cells, due to the large amount of iron contained in the juice of the grains.

By the way, as much as fresh pomegranates are useful, the benefits of pomegranate juice are essential for the body, in which the entire hematopoietic mineral complex is preserved. Due to these beneficial properties, the use of pomegranate is recommended during pregnancy. It is important that the composition of the pomegranate does not have an allergenic effect as pronounced as citrus.

By the way, the same complex of mineral components provides greater resistance of the body and improves blood circulation in the brain. Therefore, in chronic fatigue and depression, doctors strongly recommend the use of pomegranate juice.

It is also important that when using fresh pomegranates whose useful properties are very multifaceted, we contribute a large amount of fiber to the body. More than many other fruits. The benefits of this fiber for the body is that it prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, cleansing the blood and protecting the body against atherosclerosis.

The healing properties of pomegranate are used for heart disease and are used as a powerful antioxidant. Its curative property to prevent the destructive action of free radicals in the body is provided by a complex of flavonoids and vitamins A and C. All these substances are very effective oncoprotectors that suppress the action of several carcinogens in the body and prevent the development of malignant tumors.

The anticancer properties of the pomegranate have been investigated in several scientific articles. Therefore, scientists have discovered that the benefits of pomegranate juice and pomegranate juice are that, if used regularly, the risk of breast cancer in women is significantly reduced. In addition, with the intense exposure to the skin of ultraviolet radiation, it is the beneficial properties of pomegranate juice that help to preserve the elasticity and softness of the teguments of the body. With it, the skin will be soft and young for a long time, unlike usual for wrinkled and rough farm workers.

By the way, the same vitamin A is a very useful substance for vision. It is precisely his presence in the retina that allows him to restore the necessary amount of visual pigments here.

But the effect on the vision of anthocyanins, the pigments of plants, which are especially rich in red fruits, is better known. The pomegranate is the reddest of all. It is the anthocyanins that are part of the chemical composition of the pomegranate that contribute to the improvement of the twilight vision and the recovery of the opacities of the lens: anthocyanins neutralize the action of some enzymes responsible for this modification of the lens.

In their homeland, in warm Arab countries, the useful properties of pomegranate that are considered almost a panacea for all diseases, are used in traditional medicine very often. It is used for stomach disorders and as an effective diuretic, in violation of menstrual rhythm and for colds, as a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In some places it is recommended to use it even with malaria to relieve symptoms.


pomegranate are used for heart disease and are used as a powerful antioxidant. Its curative property to prevent the destructive action of free radicals in the body is provided by a complex of flavonoids and vitamins A and C.


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Lots of good information on the wonderful pomegranate fruit! Thanks for sharing!

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