Special juice for kidney stones

Happy day to the great Steemit family.

Usually we have a friend or family that suffers from kidney stones and as we believe that natural remedies is an alternative medicine, I present this post where it describes how to prepare that special, wonderful and effective juice for this case.


This drink based on celery, pineapple, carrot and lemon, contains antioxidants that are able to increase urine, which reduces the risk of kidney stones.


Kidney stones occur when minerals and body salts crystallize in the kidneys and create a kind of stone that affects the urinary tract.

The disadvantage of dehydration or not enough fluid, attributed the cause of this disease, because the body fluids move with less speed, which causes an increase in the salts and adhesion to the walls of the kidneys.

Ingredients and preparation

2 stalks of celery
2 pineapple slices
2 carrots
1 lemon

Remove the skin from the celery, cut the pineapple into pieces, grate the carrot and extract the lemon juice.

Mix these ingredients very well in the blender. Serve the juice in a glass and proceed to drink.

Recall the Properties of these fruits and vegetables

Celery contains potassium and sodium, which makes this food a good diuretic. It is able to alkalize the blood and purify the body, eliminating uric acid.

Pineapple contains 85% water, which makes it low in calories. It contains vitamin A, C and B1. It is antidiarrheal and depurative, it works as a natural diuretic. This fruit is anti-inflammatory.

The carrot is recommended to increase vitality, since this vegetable is rich in phosphorus. In addition, it is good for digestion and eliminates constipation. It is diuretic, that's why it works to expel toxins from the body through the urine.

The lemon contains vitamin C which reinforces the body's defenses and prevents diseases. The consumption of this fruit helps in cases of gastrointestinal poisoning.

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