Homesteaders Coop - Opened my Vendor Account and added my Rose Spagyric!

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)


First of all I want to say a huge thank you to @riverflows for recommending the site to me and @homesteaderscoop for starting up this beautiful store-front which supports small artisans and at-home productions.

I have added my first product to the page which can be ordered using either STEEM,SBD or USD.

I wanted to take the time here to also explain why I can not recommend these products for internal use specifically. And that is because I live in the EU and the strict laws make it impossible for me to sell these as anything else, other than as Art Object.

I do not sell these for a profit, I make small batches which are for my own private use, and I sacrifice a small amount for those that are interested in the alchemical art and who would like to own such a product after seeing my documentation of my crafting process for these amazing medicines and tools of consciousness.

Each product takes me close to 2 months from start to finish to produce. So for me this is not just a medicine but it is rightfully so an ART. Alchemy has always been the original and first ART Form and hence it is also known as the Royal Arte of Alchemy. Where a painter creates a painting, an alchemist creates elixirs, essences and spagyric tinctures. Not only is the process of crafting these a spiritual process in which what is done to the plant, is meditated upon and also done inwardly upon ones own self, but the products themselves are then used as tools to enhance ones spiritual practice and to connect with the consciousness of the plant or material that was used.

My Work:
All of my elixirs and products are handcrafted in small batches predominantly for my own private use and as part of the alchemical art projects documented here on the site. Made with great care and intention. All of my ingredients are natural (and locally sourced whenever possible) and contain no chemical additives or preservatives. Because of this, there may be variations in the products. The herbs I use are all organic, either from my own garden or bought. Each elixir is unique and a one time product, taking at least 1-2 months of work from start to finish to prepare. I only make Elixirs with which I personally work, exploring the alchemical art, their uses and as tools for soul, spirit and body evolution.

For more information about my work, visit my private website. You can find some guides and resources there if you are interested in learning how to prepare these potent medicines for yourself

The Small Bottles are what I am selling, the BIG BOTTLE is all MINE :)


Very cool, welcome!

Are you allowed to say what benefits the tincture offers, or is that prohibited where you're at?

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@nateonsteemit I have posted the benefits in a link on the product page :)

Also in the product description is a less detailed guide to what to expect at different dosage levels!
Properties of Rose

If you scroll to the bottom I have created a chart which describes the effect of rose on the 3 levels of being when used in an alchemical preparation.

Very neat, I'll be sure to check it out! Alchemy is a new idea to me, I've been asking @alchemage about it some in the Natural Medicine discord server.

Would you like an invite link, or are you already there with us?

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I am not so active on discord to be honest, but if you wish you can send me an invite link, I might pop in sometimes :)


You've been visited by @thistle-rock from Homesteaders Co-op.

Welcome to the Homesteaders Co-op, we are so happy to have you in our family of vendors!

Your first product looks so inviting and intriguing, especially with your wonderful photography!

International shipping is difficult for medicinal or planting products with each country having its own laws on export and import, but I am glad you are able to list it in a way that makes it possible for you to offer your delighful product to others. There is certainly a lot of effort that goes in to making your product which tells us its worth, I am wishing you lots of success.

Thanks to @riverflows, she is so awesome and supportive, and thanks to @sagescrub for this valuable asset to both the blockchain and to vendors and buyers alike.

So glad to have you on board!

Homesteaders Co-op

A community marketplace of ethical, handmade and sustainable products available for STEEM, SBD (and USD):

follow: @homesteaderscoop

Congrats on your homesteaderscoop shop! :) great project

I saw that your RCs are a bit low and decided to delegate 40 SP to you. ;)

Keep it up!

@luegenbaron Wow thank you so much! I really appreciate that!

Where are you located? When I have some money aside I can spare for shipping I'll be happy to send you a little elixir of one of my creations as gift :)

Where are you located? When I have some money aside I can spare for shipping I'll be happy to send you a little elixir of one of my creations as gift :)

I've sent you an encrypted steem transaction with a link which leads to an encrypted, self-destroying, message with my location ;)


@luegenbaron I can see in steemdb the encrypted version but it shows blank in my wallet :s


Try log in with your memo key.

I can recommend Steem Keychain. It's a Browser extension. I love it. Way better than steemconnect ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

@luegenbaron Yeah super hat geklappt, saved it old school analog style on a piece of paper, which I'll destroy once I used it for shipping the package :)

Thanks for the Steem keychain tip, looks like a practical app :)

Youre welcome! :) Im from germany

Sounds awesome ;)! Do you have something helping against a fucked up shoulder?

We can write on Discord

Posted using Partiko Android

@luegenbaron Fucked up shoulder im sinn von inflammiert? Da würde die kamillen spagyrik tinktur die ich habe helfen, und ausserdem wenn du selber etwas sehr effektives willst dann hilft weihrauch auch wunderbar, du kannst dir hochwertigen weihrauch kaufen und ein grosses stück einfach kauen(man kann und soll es abschlucken, ist wie kaugummi es zersetzt sich im mund nicht ganz und wird ne masse bischen und auch lecker, manche stücke bitterer als andere).

Ich behandele meinen hund damit ein ältere mit chronisher arthose an einem knie gelenk und es hilft ihm sehr gut. CBD hanf blüten währen auch super als tinktur dafür oder einkochen in ein kaltgepresstes kokosnuss-öl, filtern und danach im gefrierfach lagern und eine kleine dosis davon mit messer rauskratzen und zu sich nehmen (kein geld verschwenden für CBD-öle die sind teuer und praktisch ineffektiv, bischen verarschung von den leuten damit) beides bekommt der hund :)

Ps aus Luxemburg ;)

Ich schick dir gern ne kamillen spagyrik als geschenk für die sp wenn du möchtest, aber die beiden anderen würde ich sehr empfehlen auch als immer gebrauchbare und verwendbare alternative :)

Du bist oder kannst deutsch? :D

Ich hab leider nen dreifachen Bänderriss in der Schulter gehabt, welcher ein Jahr zu spät operiert wurde..
Und Reha hatte ich auch nicht.. Orthopäde, welcher nach Operation scheinbar kein Interesse mehr an mir hatte.

Aber ich bin noch jung und versuche das Ganze nun selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

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@luegenbaron Kann deutsch :)

Na dann würde das alles helfen, ich denke sogar wenn du das benutzt was ich oben genannt habe und den arm auch in bewegung hälst wirst du das ganz gesund rehabilitieren können ohne problem :)

Frankincense Boswellia ist der weihrauch typ den ich empfehle, du willst die ganzen stücke zerkauen und so zu dir nehmen, im harz sind stoffe drin die helfen stark bei heilung vun gelenken.

Die CBD-Blüten sind ideal gegen die inflammation und sie schonen dich auch wenn du dich mal mehr bewegst davor dass du dir eine neue verletzung holst.

Die kamillen spagyrik würde helfen auch eher gegen die inflammation es ist nicht mit den gelenken wirklich direkt attributiert!

Naja ohne Probleme ist mein Leben leider nicht.

Kannst du irgendeine bestimmte CBD oder auch sativa Sorte empfehlen?

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@luegenbaron Die hürden in unserem Leben sind die Flammen die unsere Seele Schmieden ;) Gott Sei Dank Den Problemen, sonst würde wir nicht gegen die elemente gestärkt werden und würden niemals unsere wahre kraft kennenlernen, die unendlich ist :)

Jede sorte währe gut! Wenn du zugang zu gesunder sativa sorten hast der vollspektruk ist dann währe das das beste natürlich, aber wenn nur CBD vorhanden dann geht das auch.

In beiden fällen einkochen in kokosnuss-öl zB oder einfach tinkturieren in alkohol 96% das beste mittel kanns du wie ne kur auf längerer basis nutzen, es hilft dem immunsystem halt wieder in seine volle sprünge zu kommen. Und regt die selbstheilkraft erheblich an.

You've been visited by @porters, on behalf of Natural Medicine.
Congratulations on getting your store open and sharing your wonderful Rose Spagyric!
Check out @naturalmedicine for more amazing natural healing content on the Steem Blockchain! Consider supporting Natural Medicine through continued use of the #naturalmedicine tag, or delegating any amount through clicking below. We're all for empowerment through natural wisdoms, and love to support those on their healing journey. Come join us on Discord if you're not already there! We'd love to have you.


Thank you for the warm welcome <3 I will be delegating once I hit the Sp mark. At 68-70Sp at the moment only.

Thanks so much for being an advocate for natural medicine here on the blockchain and thank-you for considering to delegate when you are able!

I am so excited about this one. As soon as I get enough SBD built up I will order a bottle. The shipping will be worth it I feel!!

I have just DM'd you on Discord. xx

@riverflows It is a beautiful companion, been taking her daily since I made her. Very nurturing and calming, at night I take a bigger dosage since I would usually enjoy a small smoke, but been taking a break and it has been a wonderful alternative. Especially since I can tend to an overactive mind myself, and really quiets that noise machine down tremendously for me!

I saw, just I didn't see anywhere the word document, I think maybe it wasn't sent?

exciting to see how fast it is growing and all of the products now offered 👍

Just got familiar with it, but love the whole concept and idea behind it, also a joy to see all the handmade products made with loving intention :)

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